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Editing An Experience Verification Form
Editing An Experience Verification Form

How to edit an Experience Verification Form Before Completion

Updated over 4 months ago

If you need to edit some data on one row of an Experience Verification form prior to pressing the 'Complete/Submit' button, follow the steps below.

First, take a look at the table that you've completed. You'll see a blue box with a pencil to the left of the first data element. Click on the blue icon.

Next, a pop-up box of that row's data will appear. Let's pretend that this teacher taught Science and not Math this year. Delete the Math entry and type in Science. Then click on 'Update Record.'

The pop-up box will now disappear and the data will be updated from Math to Science.

Once the rest of the form is completed correctly, press the 'Complete/Submit' button at the bottom of the form. You're done!

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