Archiving and Restoring Experience Verifications
If you'd like to archive experience verifications that have been reviewed or restore archived experience verifications, follow these steps.
First, log in to your account.
Next, click on the 'Completed EV Requests' page on the left-side toolbar.
Search for the verification you are wanting to review, then click the 'Archive' button. Once you click 'Archive' the verification will immediately be moved to the 'Archived EV Requests' page. Once a verification has been archived, you can view it by clicking on the 'Archived EV Requests' page.
Once you are on the 'Archived EV Requests' page, search for the verification you are wanting to view and click 'Review.' If you'd like to restore the archived verification to the 'Completed EV Requests' page, click on the 'Restore' button. Once you click 'Restore' the verification will immediately be moved to the 'Completed EV Requests' page. Once a verification has been restored, you can view it by clicking on the 'Completed EV Requests' page.
You're done!