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Big Notices / Building Announcements - How to Use Them
Big Notices / Building Announcements - How to Use Them

Create larger announcements or use one of our templates to communicate important information to your residents on your elevator screens.

Written by Andrew Williams
Updated over a week ago

Big Notices can be used to post longer descriptive announcements to your residents that will appear in the main section of your elevator screen. You can create your own custom notices or use one of our templates to post notices across single or multiple properties at the same time.

In this article:

  1. Create a Big Notice.

  2. Preview Big Notices and see which ones are posted on your screen.

  3. Re-use or reschedule a Big Notice.

1. Create a Big Notice

You can have up to two Big Notices running on your screen at once. You can create your Big Notice directly from the dashboard or by selecting Notice section on the side navigation.

  • Log in to your Elev8 Account

  • Select your Dashboard.

  • Navigate to the Notices tab on your dashboard or click on the Notices tab on the side panel.

  • Once in the Big Notices section, select Create.

  • Select the dates you’d like your Big Notice to be posted. Use the start and end dates to control the duration.

  • Select all the properties you want your Big Notice posted at (you can select one or multiple properties).

  • Select a background image or a provided Big Notice template. You can also upload your own background image or notice in accepted formats (jpg/jpeg).

  • Add your Big Notice title that will be displayed on the screens.

  • Add a Description.

  • Preview your notice on the screen in the window located on the right.

  • When you're happy with your notice and its settings, click Create in the bottom right corner.

💡 Pro tip: Use our templates to make more visually appealing notices.

2. Preview Big Notices and see which ones are posted on your screen

You can use your dashboard or the Big Notices section to see which notices are actively running on your screens.

  • From your dashboard, scroll down to the Big Notices section to see which ones are currently actively posted on your screens.

  • You can see the live preview of your Big Notices and live content by clicking the Preview Screen button.

  • When in the Big Notices section, you can see live Big Notices marked with a green Active status.

3. Re-use or reschedule a Big Notice

We make it easy for you to re-use or reschedule your old notices that have expired or are in need of a slight modification. To modify your current or old notices, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to Big Notices and locate a Big Notice you want to modify.

  • Click Edit.

  • Adjust your Start and End date to be set in the future for the desired duration.

  • Adjust any other parameters such as Title, Description or Template.

  • When ready, click Update. Your notice will be Active and scheduled for your selected dates.

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