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How to prepare MP4 files for live streaming
How to prepare MP4 files for live streaming
Updated over a week ago

Want to take a pre-recorded file and simulate a live stream using Videolinq? No problem. We support MP4 file sources for live streaming. You can even set up a schedule to start and stop the live stream at a specific date/time. There are a few requirements to live stream from pre-recorded files on Videolinq -

Media Configuration

Encode a MPEG-4 file (extension .mp4) with one of the many video encoders software available, but make sure the file complies with this:

  • Video resolution of 720p or 1080p.

  • Use up to 60 frames per second (fps).

  • Bitrate between 2 to 8 Mbps (larger files will be rejected).

  • Use Stereo audio of 64 - 256 KBps bitrate.

  • Encode the video with H.264 Main or High profile codec.

  • Encode the audio with AAC codec at 48 KHz.

  • Insert 2 keyframes every second (some encoding tools refer to keyframes as GOP)

  • Name the file without spaces (example "my-file-name.mp4")

When the MP4 file is ready, upload it with your browser to Videolinq. Maximum 4 GB per file is allowed via browser. If you need to upload larger files, contact customer service and ask to use an FTP account. All plans come with 5 GB of free storage. Additional space is available upon ordering.

Important Information for Customers Using FTP Clients !

Web browsers limit the size of uploaded files to maximum of 4 GB per file. Got large files over 4 GB in size? Contact customer service and ask for an FTP account. If you need to upload a large file and later stream it as live video follow these steps:

Step 1

On the Videolinq dashboard click on the Sources tab and open the file management section. To activate this section you must upload first one file from the channel video source/file area.

Step 2

Prepare a small MP4 file (1 MB in size for example). Give the file a name. Upload this file via the web browser.

Step 3

Open the "Media Files and Playlists" section in the Videolinq dashboard/Sources section. Click on the files line and copy the file name Videolinq gave the small file uploaded in step 2. Rename your large file to match the small fie uploaded before.

Step 4

Use your FTP software and the credentials provided by Videolinq customer service to upload the large file. When prompt by the FTP software if to over write an existing file at the target destination click "Yes". The large file will over write the small file.

Step 5

Point to the large file and use it as source for live broadcasts. Create playlists from 2 or more large files. To point to large files and stream the content as video on demand with the Videolinq player refer to the proper path listed in this article.

Important: remember that live streaming is limited to 8 MBps. Pre-recorded MP4 files that were encoded at a bitrate of 8 MBps or more will be blocked.

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