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Cold Outreach with Personal GIFs
Cold Outreach with Personal GIFs

How to craft that awesome first touch experience

William Holden avatar
Written by William Holden
Updated over a week ago

Outbound prospecting can be one of the hardest sales motions to crack (never mind master) - we've all seen the motion reduced to spam marketing.

At the same time, getting outbound right can be one of the most powerful growth levers you'll ever pull. Template if you need one

This article shows you how to start better relationships with prospects by injecting humanity, emotion, authenticity and creativity into your messages using Vidu Personal GIFs πŸ‘‡

4 ways to use a Personal GIF for cold outreach:

  1. Ask a question related to value, or a challenge, at the beginning of the email

  2. When asking questions about statements you've made in the email, use a GIF to really prompt the prospect to think along with you

  3. Share proof points/references as a GIF part way through. If you've an amazing result to share, help give it the spotlight it deserves

  4. Use a GIF in place of the call to action at the end - show a level of emotion and sincerity when asking for their time/offering value

Questions to open the email:

"Hey Kate,

A lot of them tell me that users often churn after about 5-7 days if not properly product activated, and as a result they've an inefficient ......."

Prompting engagement with an observation you shared:

"Reason I ask: I think we might have a way to help your team hold on to more users, at a higher LTV, and do it with fewer resources than you might be using right now ......."

Sharing a proof point:

"We're not relying on servers to control and manage in-app push deliverability ......."


Call to action a the end of a message:


Creative and human sales rep......"

Tell us what you think of the tips, folks!

And if you're finding your own killer use-case and wants to get featured in our newsletter, reach out through the messenger and share that wisdom 🀩

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