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Reporting in Business Tools

Learn about reporting and orders and how to get the data you need

Turjo Khan avatar
Written by Turjo Khan
Updated over 5 months ago

Welcome to the Reporting section of Viewcy's Business Tools! This powerful feature provides you with key insights into your organization's performance, helping you make informed decisions to grow your business.

Sections Covered in This Article:


The Reporting section is divided into four main areas:

  1. Revenue: Monitor your sales and understand your net income.

  2. Orders: View a comprehensive log of all orders processed for your events.

  3. Patrons: Analyze patron engagement and activity (covered in a separate article).

  4. Activity: Track overall platform activity related to your organization (covered in a separate article).

This article focuses on the Revenue and Orders sections.

Revenue Reporting

Accessing the Revenue Tab

  1. Log in to your Viewcy account.

  2. Navigate to Business Tools from the main menu.

  3. Click on the Reporting section.

  4. Select the Revenue tab.

Filtering Data by Dimensions

At the top of the Revenue page, you'll find a dropdown selector that allows you to filter your revenue data by various dimensions:

  • Month (default selection)

  • Day

  • Year

  • Event

  • Event Category

  • Membership Tier

  • Patron

To filter your data:

  1. Click on the dropdown menu labeled "Filter by".

  2. Select your preferred dimension.

  3. The table will automatically update to display data based on your selection.

Understanding the Revenue Table

The Revenue table consists of several columns:

  1. Dimension Name: This changes based on the selected dimension (e.g., Month, Event).

  2. Net Sales: Calculated as Gross Sales minus Refunds, Viewcy fees, and Stripe fees.

  3. Gross Sales: Total sales including all transactions (online payments, in-person terminal payments, cash sales).

  4. Refunds: Total amount refunded (displayed with a minus sign to indicate a negative amount).

  5. Stripe Fees: Fees charged by Stripe for payment processing (displayed with a minus sign).

  6. Viewcy Fees: Fees charged by Viewcy for platform use (includes Platform Fees, Seating Fees, and Membership Fees, displayed with a minus sign).

Formatting Notes:

  • All currency amounts are formatted with the appropriate currency symbol (e.g., $), use commas as thousand separators, and display two decimal places.

  • Negative values are preceded by a minus sign (e.g., -$500.00).

  • Zero values are displayed as $0.00.

  • Numbers are right-justified in the table columns for easy comparison.

Example Row:


Net Sales

Gross Sales


Stripe Fees

Viewcy Fees







Sorting and Exporting Data

Sorting the Table:

  • Click on any column header to sort the table by that column.

  • An up or down arrow will appear next to the column name to indicate the sort order.

Exporting Data:

  • Click on the "..." menu icon located at the top-right corner of the page.

  • Select "Export CSV" to download the currently filtered table data.

  • The CSV file will include all visible columns and rows based on your filters.

No Revenue Data Yet?

If you haven't generated any revenue through Viewcy yet, the Revenue table will be empty.

What You'll See:

  • A message stating: "No data yet! Your revenue metrics will appear here once you start creating and managing events and memberships."

  • A button labeled "Create an Event". Clicking this will take you to the event creation page to get you started.

Orders Reporting

Accessing the Orders Tab

  1. From the Reporting section within Business Tools, click on the Orders tab.

Searching for Orders

At the top of the Orders page, there's a search bar to help you find specific orders.

You Can Search By:

  • Name: Ticket buyer or attendee.

  • Email: Ticket buyer or attendee.

  • Product Name: Event name, video name, or membership tier.

  • Order Number: Specific order ID.

To Search:

  1. Enter your search term into the input field labeled "Search".

  2. Click the "Search" button or press Enter.

  3. The table will update to show matching results.

Understanding the Orders Table

The Orders table includes the following columns:

  1. Order ID:

    • Unique identifier for each order.

    • Click on the Order ID to view detailed order information.

  2. Date:

    • The date and time when the order was placed.

    • The table defaults to sorting by the most recent date first.

  3. Customer:

    • Name of the ticket buyer.

    • Click on the name to view the patron's detail page.

  4. Amount:

    • Total amount paid for the order.

  5. Payment Method:

    • How the payment was processed (e.g., Stripe, Cash, Terminal).

  6. Status:

    • Current status of the order (e.g., Completed, Refunded, Partially Refunded).

  7. Product:

    • Name of the purchased item (Event, Membership Tier, Video).

    • Click on the product name to navigate to its page.

Order Types:

  • Event Tickets: Orders for event attendance.

  • Membership Subscriptions: Orders for membership tiers.

  • Video Donations: Donations made while accessing videos.

  • Broadcast Donations: Donations made during live broadcasts.

Viewing Individual Order Details

To view more information about a specific order:

  1. Click on the Order ID in the Orders table.

  2. A detailed order view will appear, displaying all relevant information.

Order Detail View Includes:

  • Order Information:

    • Order number (displayed as "Order XXXXXX").

    • Transaction date and time.

  • Customer Info:

    • Name and email of the ticket buyer.

  • Order Details:

    • Order Type: Indicates whether it's an Event, Membership Subscription, or Video Donation.

    • Product Information:

      • If Event: Event title and start date (with a link to the event page).

      • If Membership Subscription: Membership tier name (with a link to the membership management page).

      • If Video Donation: Video name (with a link to the video).

  • Order Items Table:

    • Product: Name of each item purchased.

    • Product ID: Identifier for each product.

    • Patron: Name of the attendee (if applicable).

    • Base Price: Price per item without additional fees.

    • Added Fees: Any user-added fees.

    • Discount: Amount of any discounts applied (displayed as a negative value).

    • Discount Applied: Promo code used and discount amount (e.g., "FRIEND20 (20% off)").

    • Ticket Status:

      • Active

      • Inactive (Checked In)

      • Inactive (Cancelled)

      • Inactive (Refunded)

    • Options Menu ("..."):

      • View Ticket

      • Refund

      • Cancel Ticket

  • Order Ledger (Payment Details):

    • Payment Method: How the customer paid (e.g., Credit Card, Apple Pay, Cash).

    • Subtotal: Total of all items before fees and discounts.

    • Added Fees: Total additional fees applied.

    • Discount(s): Details of any discounts or promo codes used.

    • Total Paid by Customer: Final amount charged to the customer.

    • Fees:

      • Viewcy Fee: Platform fees charged by Viewcy.

      • Stripe Fee: Payment processing fees charged by Stripe.

    • Refund Amount: Any amounts refunded to the customer.

    • Net Amount: Amount earned after fees and refunds.

To Return to the Orders List:

  • Click the "Back" button or the "X" at the top of the order detail view.

Next Steps

Explore the Patrons and Activity sections to gain deeper insights into your audience and engagement metrics. These sections are covered in separate articles:

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to our support team at

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