Creating an event is a straightforward process that involves a few simple steps. This guide will walk you through each step to help you set up your event successfully.
Step 1: Identify the Organizer
Click on the "Create an Event" button in the main menu or Business Tools menu.
Step 2: Identify the Organizer
Who is the organizer of this event?
Select the Organizer: Choose who will be organizing the event. The organizer (event owner) is responsible for managing the event and will collect money from tickets and donations.
Create an Organization (Optional): If you prefer, you can create a new organization to host the event.
Step 3: Provide Event Details
Give Your Event a Name
Name: Enter a memorable and descriptive name for your event.
Determine the Type of Event
Who is it for?
The Public:
Your event will be visible on your profile page and on the pages of team members and participants.
A Private Group:
Your event will be hidden from search engines, your profile page, and the pages of team members.
Access: Private events are only accessible via a randomly generated web link.
Set the Time Zone
Choose the appropriate time zone for your event to ensure that all participants have the correct timing information.
Add Tags
Enter Tags: Provide relevant tags for your event, separated by commas.
jazz, live music, concert
Purpose: Tags help others find your event and understand what it's about.
Step 4: Add an Image and Description
Upload an Event Image
Image Requirements:
Maximum Size: 8MB (larger images will not be processed).
Dimensions: Final dimensions are 1120x630 pixels.
Editing: You'll be able to crop and position your photo during upload.
Note: Avoid using transparent PNG images.
How to Upload:
Drag and Drop: Drop an image into the designated area.
Browse: Click "Browse" to select an image from your device.
Specify the Event Location
Where Will Your Event Take Place?
Provide the physical address or specify if it's an online event.
Describe Your Event
What Is This Event About?
Write a brief description to inform attendees about the event's purpose, activities, or any special guests.
Step 5: Schedule the Event
Set the Start Date and Time
When Does Your Event Start?
Date: Select the event date.
Time: Choose the start time, including hours and minutes.
Create a Recurring Schedule (Optional)
If your event repeats weekly, you can set up a recurring schedule to automatically generate future event dates.
Finalize the Event
At this point, your event has been created. However, attendees will need tickets to participate.
Add Ticket Options
Navigate to Details > Tickets on your event page.
Add the ticket type that is best for you:
Free Tickets: Allow attendees to register without payment.
Paid Tickets: Set a price for attendees to purchase access.
Festival Passes: Ability to purchase multiple events with a single purchase.
Add-ons: Tickets that doesn't effect event capacity.
Multi-entry passes: Like punch cards. Create a 5 pack.
By following these steps, you'll have successfully set up your event and made it accessible to your intended audience. Remember to promote your event and share the link with potential attendees!