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How to Create and Edit Forms
How to Create and Edit Forms

Learn the basics of creating and editing a form

Seth From OpenGov avatar
Written by Seth From OpenGov
Updated over a week ago

Forms are the applications that your citizens will fill out to apply for a particular permit or license.  For each Record Type, you'll need to create a Form.  All of the Workflows within that Record Type use the same form.

To access a form, go to the Record Type and click on the Form tab.

Forms are made up of Sections and Fields.  Fields are created within Sections.

To Add a Form Section:

  1. Click "Add A New Section" at the bottom of the Forms tab.

  2. Choose from Single Entry or Multi Entry.
    Single Entry: The applicant enters the information in that section only once.
    Multi Entry: The applicant can enter multiple sets of the fields in that section.

  3. Enter in a Label, which is the header for the Section.

  4. Enter in Help Text (optional).

  5. You can also choose whether to make the Section required on an application, to either make it part of the public application or for internal-only reference, include conditions that determine whether the section applies to a specific application, or map the section for auto-fill (which is available for contractor information integrations). 

You can rearrange the order of sections by clicking and holding on the drag icon in the top left of each form section and dragging it to the desired position.

To edit a section’s properties: click its title. The “Edit Section” sidebar will appear on the right side of the screen. From here, you can change the section’s title by typing in the “Label” text box.

To Add Form Fields: 

  1. Click "Add A New Field" within the section you'd like to add the field to.

  2. Choose from one of the following field types:
    - Short Text Entry
    - Long Text Entry
    - Number
    - Checkbox
    - Drop-down
    - Date (For more information on disabling dates, please see the following: Disabling Dates on a Date Field)
    -Help Text
    -Social Security Number
    -Employer ID Number
    -Digital Signature

  3. Like with Form Sections, You can also choose whether to make the Form Field required on an application, to either make it part of the public application or for internal-only reference, include conditions that determine whether the Field applies to a specific application, or map the Field for auto-fill (which is available for contractor information integrations). 

• To move a Field to a different part of the Form, hover over it to reveal the dragging icon. Click and drag the drag icon to re-position the field in the desired place.  
Please note:
you can only re-position a Form Field within its Form Section.

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