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Automated Workflows

A powerful tool to create a multitude of automated triggers and actions!

Tom Copeland avatar
Written by Tom Copeland
Updated over 7 months ago

Automated Workflows is an exciting module that allows you to choose a pre-set "Trigger" and map it to a pre-set "Action" to create automation within and outside of your Filevine environment!

Workflow Triggers

When you first navigate to the Automated Workflows page you will be presented with the Configure Triggers tab. VineConnect acts as a "listener" to Filevine, waiting for a trigger to fire. The easiest example of this relationship is a "Project Trigger" with a "Phase Changed" Trigger Event. You can allow for any project phase change to be the trigger, or, filter down to a specific phase to listen for.

To set up your first Trigger, simply Choose Primary Trigger and a related Trigger Event. Give it a unique name/description and save. You can edit or delete triggers as well:

Image of Configure Triggers page on automated workflow.

NOTE: When a Trigger is saved, the "Eligible" toggle is OFF by default. "Eligible" means that it's available as a selection to map in the Map Your Workflows tab. When you're happy with your Trigger setting, toggle Eligible to ON.

Our pre-set Triggers are constantly evolving! Here is our comprehensive set of Primary Triggers, Trigger Events, and Available Filters.

*Denotes a special condition trigger explained below.

Primary Trigger

Trigger Events

Available Filters

Project Triggers

Created, Phase Changed, Project Hashtag Added

By Project Type, Project Phase, or Project Tag

Contact Records

Created, Updated

By Person Type

Task Triggers

Created, Completed, Taskflow Button Activated

Task Assigned to Specific User, Task Completed by Specific User, Task Contains Hashtag, Task is Auto-Generated, Task Created By, Specific Taskflow Button from Any Project Type Template

Collection Items

Created, Deleted

Select Any Collections Section from Any Project Type Template

Calendar Appointment

Created, Updated, Deleted

Body Contains Hashtag, All Day Appointment (yes), or Specific Attendee (User)

Calendar Feedback



Section Visibility Toggled

Visible, Hidden

Select Any Section or Collections Section from Any Project Type Template

Project Relations

Related, Unrelated


Client Portal Team Message Reply from Client



Document - Uploaded & Shared

By Document Type

Select document type and chosen upload scheme

Form Submitted

By Form

Select specific created and eligible Form

SMS Received

By SMS Line/Method

Choose by Phase Change, Review Request, Mass Message, 2FA Verification

*No Activity on Project in 30 days



*No Activity on Project in 30 Day: This is a special trigger that will drop a preset report in your Filevine Org to monitor for any projects that haven't had any activity within the last 30 days. Each day our system will check this report for any new entries of projects...projects can only hit this report if there's been nothing on the Activity Feed for 30 days. Once a project hits the report, it becomes eligible for your mapped action.

Workflow Actions

Actions are configured similarly to Triggers, but where Triggers are listeners, Actions are where the automatic magic happens! In the Configure Actions tab, you will define the automated actions you want VineConnect to take. Some actions allow for Definitions, or customization, you may want to provide. Just like Triggers, you want to configure your Action, give it a recognizable name, save and make Eligible:

Our pre-set Actions are constantly evolving! Here is our comprehensive set of Actions and available Definitions for you to control:



Send SMS

Message Body (Includes Media Shortcode for MMS); To Client or To Person Field in Project

Email Client

Message Body

Add Client to Blacklist

Adds both the Client and all their associated Projects to the VineConnect Blacklist

Create a Note on Project

Body of Note

Create a Task on Project

Body of Task; Assign to User or Role

Send Admin Notification Email

Body of Email

Add Project Hashtag

#Hashtag (do not include "#" in box)

Toggle Section Visibility

Filtered by Project Type, Project Section, and if you want the action to be making it visible or hidden

Kill All Tasks

Filter by All Tasks, Assigned To, or On Related Projects. Converts any undone tasks on the project to a note.

Change Project Phase

Next sequential Phase OR specific Phase

Send to Webhook

Delivery Hook URL; Send all Project Client data and Project level data, plus the event that triggered the action

Mirror a Field

Copy value from one field in a Static Section to another within the same Project

Update Project Team

Add/Remove a User in Teams section; specify Permissions (Admin, Primary, etc)

Execute Taskflow Button

Select the button from your project type to action automatically

Create a Collection Item

Creates a Collection Item in any Collection Section within the same Project with unlimited field population

Add Delay

This utility allows you to configure a delay to your Action. You can choose any interval and an iteration of that interval. (Ex: 1 {Iteration} Hour {Interval} or 30 Minutes or 10 Days).

Variables and Media Files

Some actions will prompt you for content to provide. For example, Send SMS/MMS will allow you to provide a body, as will Send Email to Client. Anywhere you are able to define a body, you are able to insert Variables. Variables are pre-set and custom set data values that are dynamically retrieved from Filevine. Our simplest Variable, for example, is "Client Name" with a field tag [client_name].

Anywhere you insert this tag, at the moment of AW execution, our system will retrieve that value and insert it to make more a more personalized, customized automation experience.

You are also able to insert Media Shortcodes for MMS. MMS stands for Multi-Media Service, which allows you to send images, videos, and other media files directly to your clients! To use MMS in Automated Workflows, you'll first need to upload your files to our Media Locker. Then, you simply copy the shortcode and insert it in the body of the text/email you want to file to be sent.

Map Your Workflows

Now, let's put your Triggers and Actions to work with the Map Your Workflows tab. All eligible Triggers and Actions will now appear in the dropdown list for you to mix and match to create your Automated Workflow. The system currently allows you to map a single trigger to a single action (Aug 2022).

Name your mapped Workflow Automation wisely to ensure you understand the function you are attempting to create.

Once saved, the Mapped Workflow will be automatically set to a Live status, meaning the Workflow is running. Other status' include Test and Pause.

  • Test status shows a Workflow run in Logs, but doesn't take the Action.

  • Pause status disables the Workflow from appearing in the Log or taking Action.

Logs of your Workflow

Mapped Workflows in Test or Live Status will appear on the Logs tab. Logs is a table of individual Workflow runs. The Project ID column identifies the associated Project for the run, while the Is Handled identifies whether the Workflow is Live. In the Details column, you can preview both the Trigger and the Action specifics.

Keep Workflows in Test status to ensure the configurations you have behave as expected before putting the Workflow into Live status, which allows the Actions to take place in your live Filevine Org. Logs are filterable by dates and you can search keywords to find specific Triggers or Actions.

NOTE: Additional Triggers and Actions will be available in the future as we continue to expand on this incredible tool! Please let us know if you have feedback or suggestions for future improvements.

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