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๐ŸŽข Campaign analytics

All the important campaign metrics at your fingertips to help you optimise your campaign

Fivos Stergiannis avatar
Written by Fivos Stergiannis
Updated over a week ago

(๐Ÿฅš Easter egg/content at the end of this article)
Each Viral Loops campaign comes with a Campaign Dashboard that you can use to understand the performance of your campaign.

Here's everything you need to know about these charts

Performance over timeย 

Starting from the left, you see the chart showing your campaign performance over time.ย 

The blue area of each column is the total number of participants that your campaign received on each of the weeks since the first participant joined.ย 

The green area shows the total number of referrals during that week.


In the middle box you can see totals for the campaign participants, referrals and shares.

Channel Performance

On the right box you can see the campaign performance per each channel that brought referrals to your campaign.ย 

The number in the green box indicates referrals brought from that channel and the number in the gray box indicates number of shares made from that channel.ย 

  • Email: participants that joined after having received an invite email (green box) // invite emails sent (gray box)

  • Twitter: participants that joined via a referral link shared on Twitter (green box) // number of times the button to share to Twitter was clicked on the campaign widgets (gray box)ย 

  • Facebook: participants that joined via a referral link shared on Facebook or Facebook Messenger (green box) // number of times the button to share to Facebook or Facebook Messenger was clicked (gray box)ย 

  • Reddit: participants that joined via a referral link shared on Reddit (green box) // number of times the button to share to Reddit was clicked (gray box) ย 

  • Copy: ย participants that joined via a referral link copied directly from the campaign widget (green box) // the share counter is deprecated on the Copy channel and will be removed.

Campaign ratios

These ratios give you another interpretation of the campaign performance.

  • Referrals / Participants: This is the percentage of your campaign participants that were referred to the campaign. This is also known as your k-factor or referral ratio (the Social K-factor is an indicator of how viral a website is when content is shared from the website onto social media. It is a function of the Social Coefficient, which determines how fast content is spreading through social sharing, and the Sharing Ratio, a measure of how often your content is likely to be shared).
    โ€‹"For a consumer product, a sustainable viral factor of 0.15 to 0.25 is good, 0.4 is great, and around 0.7 is outstanding."

  • Referrals / Shares: This is the ratio between the number of referred participants of your campaign over the number of shares made from your campaign. If each share resulted in a conversion this ratio would be 100%.

  • Shares / Participants: This is the ratio between the number of shares made in your campaign over the total number of campaign participants. If every participant shared their unique link at least once, this ratio would be 100%.


๐Ÿ‘‰ To know which metrics you should keep your focus on, check this post:

๐ŸŽฏ Make sure to check out our guide on how to become viral:

๐Ÿš€ Don't forget to consult our comprehensive referral marketing guide for battle-tested tips and tricks that will maximize your campaign's success regardless of template!
Let us know if you need any further help! ๐Ÿ˜Š

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