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Virtually Event Manager Integrations: Now and in the Future
Virtually Event Manager Integrations: Now and in the Future

Current integrations + what integrations we're building

Written by Brandon Chen
Updated over a week ago

We're building Virtually to be the main switchboard for managing your live, online cohort-based program.

While you may be using other tools, our goal is to enable you to manage everything you need right from Virtually, without having to log in to multiple tools and take tons of repetitive steps.

We currently integrate with Zoom, Google Calendar, Stripe, Slack, Circle, Airtable, and Zapier, and we have even more plans for the future.

Read on to learn more about the benefits of leveraging our current integrations and what you can expect from us moving forward!

Zoom Integration

Here are some of the benefits of integrating your Virtually account with Zoom:

  • When you create events in Virtually, we'll auto-generate unique Zoom links for your meetings

  • When you host events in Zoom, Virtually can auto-track attendance -- showcasing when learners entered, when they left, and if they were late. Virtually showcases this attendance data both by event and by individual student.

  • You can also take advantage of advanced settings without ever having to log into your Zoom account - such as alternative hosts, mute upon entry, and waiting room.

For instructions on how to integrate your Virtually account with Zoom, click here.

Google Calendar Integration

When you integrate your Google Calendar with Virtually, you can export any Virtually event to your calendar of choice.

One caveat: at the moment Virtually can only integrate with calendars associated with a single email. That's why we suggest using a general program email and then creating specific calendars within that account for different cohorts to help you stay organized.

For instructions on how to integrate your Virtually account with Google Calendar, click here.

Slack Integration

When you integrate your Virtually account with Slack, not only will notifications go to users emails, but they'll also go to the Slack channel of your choosing.

Want to send an announcement to your learners?

Want to send learners reminders for an upcoming event?

This can all happen automatically when you integrate with Slack!

Circle Integration

When you integrate your Virtually account with Circle, you can easily cross-post announcements to email and the Circle space of your choice all in one fell swoop.

Airtable Integration

With our Airtable integration, you can export attendance data directly to your Airtable form of choice! Pretty soon, this will be fully automated, so attendance data will appear directly right where you need it after each event.

Zapier Integration

Yes! We now have a Zapier integration! At the moment, Virtually's Zapier integration has 3 main actions:

  • Create or Update Member

  • New Attendance Record

  • New Tag

  • Export Engagement Data

That means you can use Zapier to do so much in Virtually! Here are some examples:

  • Have learners sign up for your program via an Airtable form and get auto-added to Virtually

  • Auto-export data from Virtually to wherever your single source of truth for student data may be (Airtable, excel, Hubspot, etc.)


Our API is live! Right now it's only accessible via invite. With our API, you can use Virtually's robust backend to build on top of the tools your team already uses. Curious to learn more about our API? Schedule a call with our team.

We're building out so many integrations because our goal is to enable you to tie Virtually to other tools you may be using -- whether CRMs, Marking Automation Tools, Github, and others!

Have an integration request that you think would be really great? Let us know! Shoot us a note on intercom or send us a message at

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