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Invite Admins to your Virtually Account

Learn our Admin Invite Flow for Virtually.

Written by Brandon Chen
Updated over a week ago

So you've set up your initial Virtually account and now you'd like to invite additional admins to help you run your program. No sweat!

In this quick Loom, we walk through the process of getting admins added to your account. Of course, if you prefer to read, just keep scrolling and we spell it out for you as well!

Step 1: Click the Invite Admins button on your Virtually Home page.

Step 2: Add Your Admin Names and Emails

You'll need to input their first and last name and email address. Make sure to check for spelling! Email is what we use to develop unique user IDs, so it's super important to spell everything right on the first try.

Click the "Add another admin" button to add more than one new admin.

Step 3: Customize Your Message

This step is optional, but if you'd like to give your new admins extra context on the invite, feel free to do so!

Step 4: Get Your Invited Admin to Check Their Email!

Once you hit the send button, it's now up to the admin(s) you've invited to complete the process. They'll receive an email that looks like this:

Step 5: Set Up Password

When admins click the 'Set Up My Password' button, they'll be taken to a screen that looks like like the screen shot below. Note: Their email will be pre-filled for security purposes!

Step 6: New Admins can now access Virtually!

Once your new admin has changed their password, they'll be logged in to their Virtually account directly!

Step 7: Remove Admins

If at any point you'd like to remove admins from your Virtually account, just head to settings and scroll down to the 'Team' section. There you'll be able to see the number of admins you currently have, who they are, as well as an option to remove admins (everyone but yourself of course!) and invite admins.

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