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Importing Members

See how you can import members to your Virtually Event Manager account

Written by Brandon Chen
Updated over a week ago

With Virtually, you can easily import members into your member database via .csv file.

Watch this video or read through the instructions below:

Importing Members:

1. Create a spreadsheet with the following columns (or just make a copy of this template and add your program's data!)

Note: You can input multiple tags simultaneously. Just make sure the tags are separated by a comma and have quotation marks around them.

2. Export the spreadsheet to a .csv file.

3. Navigate to the Members tab in your Virtually Event Manager account and click lick the 'Import Members' button.

4. Click to upload your .csv (or drag and drop it). From there, follow the instructions to confirm mapping, get your tags added, and complete your upload. It essentially involves clicking all the green buttons!

Alternatively, you can manually enter member data. This is best if you only have a few members to import.

5. Once your members are imported, you can review individual member profiles in addition to sending event invites, reminders, and announcements by tag!

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