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All Things Automated Reminders!

Learn about our Automated Reminders feature

Written by Brandon Chen
Updated over a week ago

One of the primary ways Virtually saves you time is by helping you automate your event reminders. In this article, we'll share exactly how to leverage this feature. :)

How to Send Reminders:

When creating events in Virtually, you can set automated reminders by turning automated reminders toggle ON.

You can send up to 3 reminders ahead of a given event. You can choose to send reminders to Email or Slack:

Note: The Slack reminders will only appear if you've integrated with Slack. You'll be able to choose your channel of choice for the reminder.

Who Receives Reminders:

Reminders will go to whoever has been targeted as a guest for the event.

If you've invited specific tags, reminders will go only to members of those specific tags.

If you've invited your entire member roster, invites will go to everyone on the roster.

What Reminders Look Like

Reminders will include the event name, the event time, and a join link. These reminders are currently NOT customizable.



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