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How Event Registration Works

Learn about Virtually's event registration feature.

Written by Brandon Chen
Updated over a week ago

For many live online learning programs and communities, not all events are mandatory.

While optional events can be great to offer your members, it can be helpful for admins to know exactly who plans to attend.

To that end, it's also great for members only to receive calendar invites and event reminders for events they're actually interested in attending.

Enter: Virtually's new event registration feature. Here's how it works.

Step 1:

When creating an event in Virtually, check the "Require Registration" box in the event drawer.

Step 2:

Head to the calendar tab and locate the event you created. From there, you'll be able to copy and paste the event registration link and share with your community.

Hot tip: Use Virtually's Announcement feature to cross post event registration links to multiple platforms simultaneously - email, Circle, Slack, and more to come.

As you can see, this is also where you can download your event registration list so you have an idea of who is attending. We recommend doing this as close to the actual event date as possible to get the most accurate numbers!

Step 3:

Once you've shared the event registration link with your community members, they can go ahead and register for your event!

Registering for an event means that the user will receive an event invite and any reminders that you've set up when you initially created the event.

Note: While event registrants do not need to be part of your Virtually roster to successfully register, they do need to be part of your roster to reflect as "Attended" in your attendance report. Attendees not on your Virtually roster will otherwise be marked as "Guests."

Keep in Mind:

Creating an event that requires registration will still send a calendar invite with the event join link to the calendar that you specify.

Because of that, we suggest that events requiring registration be added to a calendar that is NOT shared with your members.

That way, they'll be required to register to attend, and won't be able to circumvent the registration process by clicking the join link right when the event begins.

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