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Batch Management
Updated over 2 months ago

In this article, you will find all the necessary info you need to start/end batches and view batch info and transactions in your Ciontek card terminal and/or mobile phone tablets ' terminal'.


On terminal, transactions can be grouped together in batches. This can be used for sales segmentation for various users as well as reporting and analytical purposes.

On Android & iOS devices ( terminal), a batch remains open for 48 hours before automatically being closed.

A new one is being started (unless you end it manually before this time).

Start a new batch?

In order to start a new batch, you can either:

A. Click on the arrow button at the top left-hand side of the screen ➜ Edit the batch name ➜ Select "Start new batch".

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B. Choose "Transactions" at the bottom of the screen ➜ Click "By batch" ➜ Then, "Start new batch".

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Stop a batch?

In order to stop a batch, and view the sales for a specific time period, you can either:

A. Select the arrow button at the top left-hand side of the screen ➜ Click "Stop batch".

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B. Click on "Transactions" at the bottom of the screen ➜ Click "By batch" ➜ Click "Stop batch".

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Batch Transactions

To view the batch transactions, follow the steps below:

1. For ongoing batches, select "Transactions" at the bottom of the screen ➜ "Click "By batch" ➜ Tap on "View transactions". For previous batches, click on any batch under the "Previous batches" heading.

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2. Upon selecting the batch of your wish, you will see details and transactions for this batch. By clicking the 3 vertical dots at the top-right of the screen, you will access the sharing menu.

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From the share menu, you can share, print or download a report of the transactions in that batch.

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