At Vivid Money S.A., we prioritize the security of your funds by storing them in one or several segregated accounts with credit institutions held separately from our own funds or, where possible, investing them in secure, low-risk assets in line with the applicable legal requirements, ensuring their complete safety. In case of an unlikely event of our insolvency, the funds kept in these accounts or low-risk assets will not be included in our liquidation estate according to applicable legal requirements and should be available to meet all the claims of the clients that hold the accounts with us.
On the other side, Vivid Money B.V. uses a Foundation (stichting) to hold funds that are being transferred from and to Your Vivid Money account to and from an Executing Broker. Such funds are held by the Foundation on Your behalf and are shown in Your Invest Cash Pocket. The Foundation is a passive entity and its primary business objective is to hold these funds for the benefit of Clients. By using the Foundation, funds held in Your Invest Cash Pocket are separated from Vivid NL's capital and remain available to Vivid NL’s Clients even in the unlikely event that Vivid NL becomes insolvent. Please be aware that the Foundation may invest unused funds standing at Your Cash Invest Pocket in qualifying money market funds (QMMFs) to comply with asset segregation rules. If and when We do so, We will ask You for your explicit consent.
Next to this, all financial instruments Vivid Money BV holds in custody for our clients are held under the provisions of the Dutch Securities Giro Act (Wet giraal effectenverkeer, Wge). By doing so, clients’ financial instruments are legally segregated by operation of law from the estate of Vivid Money BV itself. This ensures that the financial instruments of clients that We hold in custody fall outside the bankruptcy estate of Vivid Money BV in the event We go bankrupt.