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Weekly Insight Reports

Below is an overview of the Insight Reports available in Vivvix which can be automatically emailed to a user each week

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Written by Vivvix Support
Updated over a week ago


Insight Reports enable media sellers the ability to uncover new business opportunities and provide competitive market share analysis.

These Insight Reports provide information based on a user’s setup of their Account Profile (adding Accounts, My Properties, and Competitive Properties via the My Profiles section).

Insight Reports are automatically emailed to each user on a weekly basis. This allows for the ability to keep pulse on key accounts and competitive marketplace activity without having to log into Vivvix every day to monitor!

These reports can be found on the left-side collapsible menu located on the Home Page, or by choosing Insights in the main menu.


The information contained in the weekly Insight Reports is seeded based on a user’s setup of their Account Profile.

You MUST have an account profile created to utilize the weekly Insight Reports.

  1. Click on the hamburger menu located at the top-right corner of the Vivvix application and choose My Profiles.

2. Add your Accounts in the My Accounts tab.

3. Define the media property(s) you work for/support in the My Properties tab.

4. Define your competitors in the Competitive Properties tab.

The weekly insights will seed results based on the Accounts, My Properties, and Competitive Properties defined in your Account Profile.


The top half of the insight reports will help you maintain and upsell your current accounts, allowing you to maximize account success.

Who is increasing their advertising with the competition?

  • Provides a look at YOUR Accounts that have increased their advertising activity on your defined competitors during the previous month, compared to the same time period last year.

What is my overall share of the market for the sum of my accounts?

  • Provides a pie chart graph with station shares for the sum of all your accounts.

  • Provides overall account shares from the previous like period last year.

What is my share for each of my accounts?

  • Provides a stacked bar chart of YOUR Accounts breaking out your share and the combined share of your competition.

  • Provides shares for each account during the same time period last year.

What product lines within my accounts am I missing?

  • Provides a glance at any product lines within each of YOUR Accounts that is not advertising on your station but has been found on your competition

What new ad copy is appearing for my accounts?

  • Alerts you to any new copy that your accounts have aired in the past week, day, current month, or previous month.

  • In some instances you can preview TV ads in their entirety.


The bottom half are Insight Reports that will help you find new business and provide competitive market share analysis.

Who is advertising with my competition but not with me?

  • Identifies advertisers that were on your competition, but not on your station within the previous month.

  • Advertisers are ranked in bar chart format.

QUICK TIP: Hover over any of the advertisers, then click View Topline Review of Activity to drill down to a specific Advertiser Review (station spending, day part analysis, programs, etc.)

Who is newly advertising in the competition?

  • Identifies new advertisers on the competition within the previous month (compared to the previous 12 months).

  • Provides a ranking of all new accounts.

NOTE: This will include YOUR station if the account is new to your station also.

What is my share of the market compared to prior year?

  • Provides a pie chart graph with station shares for the sum of all your accounts.

  • Provides overall account shares from the previous like period last year.

Which accounts have historically high activity?

  • Provides a list of accounts that have their highest month of activity during the months ahead.

QUICK TIP: You can change how far ahead the report looks by clicking on the Hamburger Menu located at the top-right corner of Vivvix.

Then choose Preferences.


e-Reports contain top-level SPOT TV ONLY views for quick analysis of the overall local Spot TV picture for your market.

Reports are updated monthly and can be emailed on the same monthly cadence.

Market Summary

Monthly overall TV station Share of Voice metrics

  • Equiv 30’s

  • Equiv 30’s %

  • Expenditures

  • Expenditures %

  • Units

  • Units %

Daypart Analysis

Top spending TV dayparts for the month

Category Summary

Top spending categories on Spot TV for the month

Top 100 Accounts

Ranked list of the top 100 advertisers appearing in Spot TV for the month


All Insight Reports are interactive within Vivvix.

Hover over any advertiser, then click on View Topline Review of Activity to drill down to a specific Advertiser Review (station spending, day part analysis, programs, etc.)

Insight Reports can also be edited as needed.

Click on Settings located at the top right corner of each insight.

You can switch between your Accounts, Prospects, or all available Advertisers, and choose the classification level of how you would like to see the activity in the insight broken out (Parents, Advertisers, Brands, Products).

You can change the date range to:

  • Current Month

  • Current Quarter

  • Year to Date

  • Rolling 12 Months

  • Previous Year

You can also choose the Measure appearing in the Insight Reports.

Insights can be printed, emailed, or exported into Excel (E-Reports only) by clicking on the links found at the top-right corner of each insight.

If you have any additional questions, you can reach out to your local Vivvix Client Success Manager. Our support team is also available for assistance via email at

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