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How can I create a custom report?
How can I create a custom report?

Below is a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to run a custom report within the Explore feature.

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Written by Vivvix Support
Updated over a week ago

When you create a custom report, you will have three options:

  1. Link it to a pre-built profile

  2. Populate it from a profile and continue unlinked from the profile

  3. "None" which means starting from scratch with no selections made

Lets Get Started

How to create a custom report

1. Select the Explore module on the left-hand side of the screen.

2. Click on Create New Report

You can utilize the information which was set up within a custom competitive profile (Brands, Categories, Properties) to build a custom report quickly and easily within the Explore feature!

Step 1 Profile Tab

The NEW Profile tab will give you an option to link a Profile to your custom reports. By linking one of your custom profiles, your report will automatically reflect your profile preferences, saving you time and ensuring the advertisers you want to track are accounted for.

Note: Previously saved reports will be set to None (previously no selections). To link your report you must choose a profile first.

Once you have a profile selected you can now choose to LINK (new functionality) your report’s brand & category selections to the profile, or to POPULATE it from the profile (previously starting from a selected profile).

Linking a report to a saved profile will allow you to make changes to brands & categories within the selected profile and have those changes effect all reports linked to the given profile. Only the brands & categories from the profile are linked. Link will retain all selections, but link the brands & category selections to those of the linked profile.

Note: when reports are linked to a profile, brands & categories must be updated within the profile and cannot be modified within the report.

Populating a report will copy all selections from the given profile over to the report. You can then make changes within the report as necessary. Populate will overwrite all selections to match the selected profile.

Note: once a report has been populated from a profile it is no longer linked to that profile so changes made within the profile will not be reflected within any reports.

Cloned reports will be linked to the same profile as the original with all other selections copied. If populated or None is selected as the profile, cloned reports will simply copy exactly what was within the original.

You may also choose to start your report with nothing selected (None, previously “No Selections”), or use a selected profile.

Step 2: LAYOUT


In this section you’ll select your level of detail for each of the following SORTS options:





Media Specific

You can see which media types these sorts are valid for by hovering over a sort and clicking on the “Info” icon which appears:

Certain sorts are media specific and may not appear depending on your company’s subscription.


Select which deliverable you want to appear in your report. Options include Dollars, Units, IMPs, Ratings, etc.

You can see which media types the measures are valid for by hovering over a measure and clicking on the “Info” icon which appears:

Certain measures are media specific and may not appear depending on your company’s subscription.

You MUST be a subscriber to Nielsen ratings to include ratings in custom reports.

Column Type

Click into the “Column/Type” drop-down menu to choose how you would like to see data formatted in the columns of your custom report.

Column Descriptions

Column Type


Time Period

Years, Months, Quarters, Weeks, etc. in the columns. Good for time period trending.

Pivot Export

Removes column headings for easy export & pivot table manipulation in Excel.


Media Types in the columns. Good for Media Mix reports.


Media Types in the columns. Good for Media Mix reports.


TV Stations, Websites, Radio Stations, Publications, etc. in the columns.

Time Period/Property

Double Pivot on Time Period & Property in separate columns. (EX: Jan 2023/WNBC, Feb 2023 WNBC)

Property/Time Period

Double Pivot on Property/Time Period in separate columns. (EX: WNBC Jan 2023, WNBC Feb 2023)


TV Dayparts in the columns. (EX: Prime, Late News, Early Fringe)


Length of spot in the columns (EX: :15 sec, :30 sec, :60 sec)

Pod Placement

Position of the spot in the commercial pod.

Pod Position Break

Designates all spots following a promo break or local break interval of 10-to-124 seconds in length.

Media Owner

The parent company of media brands in the columns. (EX: Walt Disney Co.)

Media Ultimate Brand

Subsidiary group of media brands in columns. (EX: ESPN)

Media Brand

Group of properties within the same market with the same media brand in columns. (EX: ESPN Boston, ESPN Desportes)

TV Schedule

Includes granular details for each TV spot captured.

Radio Schedule

Includes granular details for each Local Radio spot captured.

Magazine Schedule

Includes granular details for each Magazine ad captured.

Newspaper Schedule

Includes granular details for each Newspaper ad captured.


After selecting the sorts, measures, and column heading needed for your report, you can include additional calculations and options for report formatting.

The Calculator icon includes additional calculations which can be included in the columns of reports:

% Down - Calculates % share (share of voice) for items going down the rows of the report

% Across - Calculates % share (share of voice) for items going across the columns of the report

Growth - Automatically calculates the + or – value

Growth % - Automatically calculates the + or – growth percentage

The List icon provides options to set a rank for your report, whether you are ranking all items in the report, including just the top items, or providing a report cutoff.

The Weight icon allows you to use your knowledge of actual advertising expenditures to apply adjustment factors to our estimated spend data and improve overall reliability.

Click on the 3-Dot Action menus to discover additional report formatting options.

The Action menu located to the right of the Column Type drop down allows you to include columns with no activity and include a total column. You can choose where you would like the total column placed in the report.

The action menu located to the right of the selected Sorts allows for the ability to:

• Remove all Sorts

• Deselect all Subtotals

• Select All Subtotals

• Include Subtotals for Single Records

• Show the report Grand Total at the Top or Bottom of the report

The action menu located to the right of the selected Measures allows for the ability to:

• Remove all measures

• Remove all calculations

• Set all calculations

• Show Dols/Imps in thousands

• Group like measures



In this section you’ll select the media type you want to include in your report. You can check the box at the top to select all or click on the arrows to the left of each media group to select specific media types.

There are additional options located at the bottom of the media types selection box which you can opt to include:

If you want to see activity across all media types, you do not have to select any. By not selecting any media types, your report will default to ALL media types.


Select which markets you would like to include in your report. You can check the box at the top to select all or select individual markets.

The markets can be sorted a few different ways:

Click on the # to sort the markets by Nielsen DMA rank.

Click on the Market Name to sort the markets alphabetically.

Click on the ST heading to sort the markets by state.

If you want to see activity across all markets, you do not have to select any. By not selecting any markets, your report will default to ALL markets.


Select specific media properties (TV stations, websites, radio stations, publications, etc.) to include in your report.

You can narrow the property list down by Media, Markets, Affiliates, and Language via the drop-down menus located on the left.

If you want to see activity across all media properties, you do not have to select any. By not selecting any properties, your report will default to ALL properties.


If you select a specific profile, such as Casual Dining, all of your Brands/Categories will automatically load into this view from your profile.

Note: If you change the brands/categories within a specific profile, it will update the data for all the reports that are linked to that profile. You will be unable to make changes in other reports. You can only make updates within My Profile.

You can also run reports from scratch. Click into the search field to search for and add any advertisers, brands, categories, etc. Start by clicking on the search bar, then type the name of the advertiser, or category.

You can search across our Brand ad classification levels:

You can also search across our Category ad classification levels:

Check the box of your selection and click the ADD button at the bottom of the menu.

Utilize the Drill To feature to help you navigate and select the various levels of our ad classification hierarchy.

In this example, the Category level was selected to help discover which categories the selected advertiser can be found under within Vivvix:


In this section you’ll select the time period needed for your report.

You can select regular Calendar or Broadcast calendar.

Select the time period frequency needed.

Campaign/Single: Select one lump time frame (EX: Jan-Aug 2023)

Day/Week: Select single or multiple days/weeks for trending

Month: Select single or multiple months for trending

Quarter: Select single or multiple quarters for trending

Year: Select single or multiple years for trending

There are time period trim options located at the bottom of the time period frequency box which can be included:

Only include time periods for which complete date is available is the default setting and will give you all final plus any preliminary data for the completed months, weeks, quarters, etc. depending on the frequency selected.

If you un-check the option, you will receive a pop-up stating that certain media types which are not available for preliminary data will be removed from the report.

Final Data Only will scale the date range back to the latest date through which all selected media is final within Vivvix.

Include only properties monitored for all selected time periods allows a “like for like” comparison for properties over all selected time periods. Selecting this option will exclude any properties that are not monitored for all selected time periods in order to make sure that the monitoring is consistent.


Click into the field which says “Untitled Report” and give your report a name.

Once you name the report, click the Run button in the top-right corner. To see the status of the report, click the three small dots, which opens a dropdown menu with three options. Select View Results List to download your report.

NOTE: Make sure to name the report before you run it.

Run report options:

You can also click on the Explore button on the left-side menu and choose View Report Results:


Once the report is completed click on the three dots under the Action column. You now have the option to download your report into an Excel, PDF, or CSV file.

You can also view how the report was created by clicking on Info, share the report, or delete it.


To see the latest dates through which all subscribed media is available, click on the Data Availability link found in the main menu located at the top-right corner of the solution.

The Availability tab will show the latest dates through which all subscribed media is available, for both Final and Preliminary ad activity:

The Ratings tab will show the subscribed Nielsen rating types along with dates showing when those ratings are available, for both Final and Preliminary ratings data.

You must be a Nielsen ratings subscriber for the Ratings tab to be apparent within the Data Availability section.

The Properties tab includes details on the specific properties monitored for each subscribed media type, including columns noting when monitoring began and ended for each property.

You can narrow the property view down by Media type, if needed:

Preliminary Newspaper Dates indicates availability for individual local newspapers which provide preliminary data. The list of newspapers available is based on your subscription.

You can also reference the Data Availability section directly within the Time Periods tab in Explore.

Scroll to the bottom of the Time Periods tab and click on the Data Availability link at the bottom to expand the full data availability:

View with Data Availability section expanded:

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