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Advertiser Share Report

Follow the steps laid out below to run a custom report in Explore showing an Advertiser Share of Voice (SOV) broken out by media property

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Written by Vivvix Support
Updated over 4 months ago

The Explore Module within Vivvix allows for the ability to run custom Share of Voice reports (a.k.a. SOV or Share Report). These reports are designed to show an advertiser's total spending activity across media properties in a local market (local TV stations, radio stations, local websites, etc.), along with the percentage of the advertiser's total ad spend each competing media property received. Share reports allow for media sellers to determine if they are gaining share on an advertiser's total ad buy, or losing share to their competitors.


Click Explore on the left-side of home page and choose Create New Report.


To run a creative report for competitors you’ve added to your profile via the My Profiles section, select a Profile in the drop-down menu.

Then choose either Link (Brands/Categories linked to selected profile) or Populate (All selections originally copied from profile).

To run a report with no profile selections included, choose None from the drop-down menu.


SORTS (Left side)

Under the Product sorts grouping, choose Advertiser.

MEASURES (Middle Column)

Dollars will be the default measure.


Column Type: Leave the Column Type drop-down defaulted to Property.

Click the 3-dot action menu to the right of the Column Type drop-down and choose to Include Total Column, if needed.

Click the calculator icon next to your selected measure to add Share of Voice calculations.

% Down: Calculates % Share for the items included in the rows of your report (selected


% Across: Calculates % Share for the items included in your columns (Column Type)

In this example, we will choose the % Across calculation which will calculate the % of share for the Properties selected for your column type.


If you have a multi-market access, choose the market you need in the markets column (middle) . If you have a single market access, this step is not necessary.

In the Media column (left side), choose the media you would like to run your Share report for.

Click into the search field under Properties (right side) and select the properties you would like to include in your Share report.

You can add the media properties in the order in which you would like to see them in the columns of your report. You can also drag and drop the media properties into the order you need.

*PLEASE NOTE: You MUST select media properties in this step if you have chosen "Property" as your column type in Step 2: Layout. If you do not select any properties, you will receive the below warning to include media properties before you run your report.


To run a Share report for ALL advertisers appearing on your competitors:

You can SKIP the Brands/Categories tab. The default for this tab is ALL, which means that if you want to include all advertisers, you do not have to select any advertisers in this tab. You have already told Explore to break your report out by Advertiser by including Advertiser as a Sort in Step 2: Layout.

Skip this tab to run a Share report for ALL advertisers.

To run a Share report for a specific ADVERTISER:

Click into the search field on the left.

Click the checkbox next to the Brand Levels box and choose the Advertiser level.

Conduct a keyword search for the advertiser you need. Once located, click the checkbox located to the left of the advertiser, then click ADD at the bottom.

To run a Share report for a specific CATEGORY:

Click into the search field on the left.

Click the checkbox next to the Category Level box and choose the Category level.

Search for the Category you would like to pull into your report.

QUICK TIP: If you don’t know the name of the Category you are looking for, search the Advertiser level for an advertiser you know will be in the category you are looking for, then use the Drill To feature to drill up to the Category.

Click the checkbox to the left of the entity to select.

Then click the ADD button at the bottom.

Click Close if you are done adding items. If you need to add more, click into the search field on the left and continue adding.


Choose regular Calendar or Broadcast Calendar time period type.

Under the Frequency column on the left, choose the Time Period needed:

  • Single/Campaign One lump time period (i.e. Nov 2022 – Oct 2023)

  • Day Break the info out daily, where available by media type

  • Week Break the info out weekly, where available by media type

  • Month Break the info out monthly

  • Quarter Break the info out quarterly

  • Year Break the info out by year

Choose the time period by clicking the up or down arrows on the left of the calendar to advance to the year needed.

Once in the correct year, choose the month, then the date for your Start Date.

Repeat this process for your End Date.

Click the + icon to add that time period to your report.

Go to the top-left of the report, clear out Untitled Report, and give your report a title.

Click the Run arrow over towards the right to run your report.

If you have any additional questions, you can reach out to your local Vivvix Client Success Manager. Our support team is also available for assistance via email at

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