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New Business Report

Follow the steps below to run a New Business report in Explore showing advertisers who are new to the marketplace vs. a previous time period

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Written by Vivvix Support
Updated over 4 months ago

The Explore Module within Vivvix allows for the ability to run custom New Business reports. New Business Reports are great prospecting reports which show advertisers who are new to the marketplace and/or advertisers which have resurfaced after a period of inactivity.


Click Explore on the left-side of home page and choose Create New Report.


To run a New Business report for competitors you’ve added to your profile via the My Profiles section, select a Profile in the drop-down menu.

Then choose either Link (Brands/Categories linked to selected profile) or Populate (All selections originally copied from profile).

To run a report with no profile selections included, choose None from the drop-down menu.


SORTS (Left side)

Under the Product sorts grouping, choose Advertiser.

Under the Media/Time sorts grouping, choose Property.

** Please Note: You will have to choose the "New Business" column type (right side drop-down) first in order to include Property as your row sort**

MEASURES (Middle Column)

Dollars will be the default measure.


Column Type: Click the Column Type drop-down and choose New Business.

Click on the 3-dot menu to the right of the Column Type to Include a Total Column.

In chosen Measures, click the list icon to rank your Advertisers.


If you have a multi-market access, choose the market(s) you need in the markets column (middle) . If you have a single market access, this step is not necessary.

In the Media column (left side), choose the media type(s) needed for your New Business report.


To run a New Business report for ALL advertisers who are new in a recent time period, you can SKIP the Brands/Categories tab. The default for this tab is ALL, which means that if you want to include all advertisers, you do not have to select any advertisers in this tab. You have already told Explore to break your report out by Advertiser by including Advertiser as a Sort in Step 2: Layout.

Skip this tab to run a report for ALL advertisers who are new to the marketplace, or have resurfaced after a period of inactivity.


Choose your calendar type: Regular or Broadcast calendar

Click the drop-down under Current Time Period (left) and choose the current time period needed for your report:

  • Current Month

  • Current Quarter

  • Current Year To Date

  • Custom Date Range

Click the drop-down under Previous Time Period (right) and choose your comparison time period.

**Please Note: Make sure the date ranges for the two time periods do not overlap.**

To run a New Business report for the preliminary ad activity available in the system next day, uncheck ALL time period trim options shown in the image above:

  • Only include time periods for which complete data is available

  • Final Data Only

  • Include only properties monitored for all selected time periods

Unchecking the time period trim options ensures you will be pulling the preliminary data which is available in the system the next day.

**Please Note: Partial/Next Day TV data is considered un-edited “raw” data and is subject to change. Meaning, if a program runs long, it may take a few days for program titles to adjust and appear correctly. You may also notice gaps in the log. Any brand-new ads which aired during the event may take a few additional days for our classifiers to review and enter into the system. The log should be officially complete 48-72 hours after the event airs.**

Go to the top-left corner of your report and give your report a title.

Click the Run arrow located on the right to save your template and run your report.

Please feel free to download the guide included below if you would like to retain these steps!

If you have any additional questions, you can reach out to your local Vivvix Client Success Manager. Our support team is also available for assistance via email at

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