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How do I setup my IVR?
Sam From VoiceRules avatar
Written by Sam From VoiceRules
Updated over a week ago

The IVR is a powerful tool and allows you to set-up exactly how you want your calls to be answered and directed. An IVR is like a Virtual Assistant, depending on how your caller wants to be directed the IVR will give them the options and route them accordingly.

To Set-up your IVR firstly understand the Menu List, which you will find when going to IVR – NEW IVR – EDIT


A phone screen will now appear.

First, give your IVR a ‘Name’.

Then you can choose your ‘Announcement’. Here you can do one of two things.

1, Type in some text, which will then be announced to the caller and you can also choose which language you want it in (choose from up to 16 different languages)

2, Play a Bespoke Message to the caller by uploading a media file of your choice, which will be played when someone calls you.


Now you are ready to set up your IVR.


Now, by pressing any key on the Keypad on the left will display that key and a dropdown menu list. The list is as follows with a short description;

  • No Action – Simply no action will be taken when that key is pressed

  • Exit – The call will automatically be cut off when the user selects this key

  • Repeat Menu – The menu will be played back to the user

  • Play Text – A specific message will be played back to the user

  • Play Text and Repeat Menu – As above, but grouped together as an option

  • Play Text and Transfer to a Number – A message will be played to the user before being transferred to a number of your choice

  • Play Bespoke Message to Caller – This is a bespoke message is a file you upload, this can be used for promoting latest offers for your business, via a professional message

  • Play Bespoke Message to Caller and repeat menu – Plays bespoke message as above then repeats the Menu Options when finished.

  • Play Music and Transfer to a Number – While the customer is being transferred, an audio file can be uploaded and used to play back the customer whilst holding.

  • Transfer to Hunt Group Profile – Once your ‘Hunt Groups’ have been setup they will appear in this drop down. Simply select which profile you want to use

  • Transfer to Hunt Group Profile and Record Call – As above but the call will be recorded from this moment. Recordings then appear in the Analytics section under ‘Recordings’.

  • Transfer to Channel or User Profile – Once ‘Channels & Users’ have been setup they will appear in this drop down. Simply select which profile you want to use.

  • Transfer to Channel or User Profile and Record Call – As above but the call will be recorded from this moment. Recordings then appear in the Analytics section under ‘Recordings’.

  • Transfer to Phone Number – When the user selects this key they will be transferred directly to a number of your choice.

  • Transfer to Phone Number and Record Call – As above but the call will also be recorded from this point.

  • Transfer to Voicemail Profile – Once ‘Voicemail’ profiles have been setup they will appear in this drop down. Simply select which profile you want to use.

  • Transfer to Sub Menu – This will create a Sub Menu. A Submenu will create a new menu list using the above features. If you wish to offer further menu options to your callers from the standard 1-9 menu, this will offer a further 1-9 key press menu list for you to setup.

Once you have set up your IVR, press the ‘Submit’ button. It will then be saved.

If you re-enter the IVR via the Edit button you will that each key will now have an image associated with how that key will work when presses by the user.

To Edit any keys simply press the key you want to Edit, change the detail of that key and click the Submit button.


Once you have created your IVR, you can attach any IVR to your live numbers via the Dashboard. Under the ‘Phone Numbers’ section you will see ‘Profile’ with a dropdown box. Your IVR will appear here. You can attach the IVR to any number by simply pressing the ‘Connect’ button.

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