If you are facing any problem with the VoiceRules account, our team is always available to help you with solving your problems, setting up your account & integrations. So, you can always schedule a one-to-one problem-solving call with one of our support engineers: Schedule Support Call
We will do everything possible to make sure you get most of VoiceRules and everything works great for your account.
But, if you still want to leave us (π’), please email us at support@voicerules.com with your account email address. We will be really thankful to you if can share the reason behind the cancellation. We take customer feedback very seriously and will work hard to learn from our mistakes & improve VoiceRules so that we can have you back on VoiceRules in near future.
It takes 12-24 hours to cancel your subscription and release your phone numbers. There is no refund for past payments but you don't get charged from the next billing cycle onwards.
You are free to cancel your account at any time.
Removing your account will totally wipe all of your subscription details and is irreversible.
Please make sure that you no longer wish to use the service before cancelling as all profiles, credit and other associated data will be lost.
To cancel your account please go to your Account page
Under 'Subscription' you will see your active package
Next to the details of your active package, you will see this sign 'X'
Clicking on the 'X' will start the canceling procedure
You will then be asked to confirm your request to delete your account
Selecting 'OK' will permanently remove your details aforementioned
If you need any assistance or have questions please send a detailed email to support@voicerules.com