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What is Voilo?
Written by Kate
Updated over a week ago

Voilo is an Open Banking infrastructure provider: AIS & PIS

Voilo leverages the power of open banking to connect businesses directly to financial institutions, providing real-time financial data access and instant Pay-By-Bank payment capabilities. Our platform empowers businesses to enhance their financial services, ensuring compliance and security at every step.

We are committed to driving the Open Banking revolution by providing robust APIs and platforms enabling secure, compliant, seamless account-to-account transactions and access to enriched financial data.

We fulfil our promise of revolutionising payments and unlocking the potential of open banking by offering user-friendly interfaces, white-label customisation, dedicated support, and rapid deployment options. At Voilo, we believe open banking has immense power to transform financial services into more transparent and equitable experiences - and we provide the tools and technology to make it happen.

Voilo Pay POS is for any independent business, sole trader or charity looking to gain a digital edge and ensure a sustainable future. Start accepting swift and secure mobile payments through Voilo's innovative digital payments, save up to 90% on would-be transaction fees, expand and reward your community.

Open Banking Payments

1. Instant Payment: Accept and offer secure A2A (Account-to-Account) payments with our easy-to-use interfaces like in-app, online payment links, or QR codes. Reduce transaction costs by up to 90% and enjoy instant settlement.

2. Payout: Deliver instant gratification with real-time withdrawals, enhancing customer and vendor satisfaction by significantly reducing pay-out times from days to seconds.

3. Bulk Payout: Streamline financial operations by executing multiple vendor payments with a single click. Our dashboard or custom API integrations make bulk payouts effortless and error-free.

4. Recurring Payments (Beta): Automate recurring transactions with our Variable Recurring Payments (VRP) and Sweeping solutions, optimising cash flow and reducing transaction costs and fraud.

Open Banking Enriched Data

1. Transactions: Access real-time bank transaction data to customise user experiences and enhance financial decision-making.

2. Balance Check: Gain insights into customers' income, expenses, and balance data to drive personalised services and offers.

3. Authenticate: Quickly verify account details, sort codes, IBAN, and BIC for secure and efficient user authentication and transactions.

Verification API - KYC/KYB: Streamline customer and business verification processes using our advanced tools for checking identities and bank information, supported by facial recognition technologies and document verification.

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