How do I set up an offer?
Written by Kate
Updated over a week ago
  1. Select the β€˜Offers’ tab

  2. Select β€˜Create New Offer’

  3. Click 'Submit' so your offer goes live.

Your offer can be discount based or if you are a Voilo Pay Pro user, it can offer the oppertunity to multiply what points would have been earnt on the purchase.

You can decide if you want your offers to be accessible to all shoppers on the Voilo Rewards app or only customers who havent purchased from you before through Voilo.

Offers are time sensitive so they're only visible and redeemable when you want them to be, you can set up reoccuring offers, have your own 'Happy Hour' when it is normally quiet in store or all daym - it's up to you.

Make sure you use your own marketing so current shoppers are aware of what offers you've got and when to find them!

All offers are redeemable when QR codes are scanned in person or when a customer clicks on a link.

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