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Charger can't connect to Volt Time Cloud
Charger can't connect to Volt Time Cloud

What to do if your charger charger remains on "Never Seen" or is otherwise experiencing connectivity issues with our systems.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

This article is meant to help you connect a non-Volt Time charger to the Volt Time Cloud, and you are experiencing a "Never Seen" status.

If you own a Volt Time charger that won't come online, check 📖Offline charger

What does Never Seen mean?

This means we have never had any communication with the charger at all. If there would have been any, the status would be Offline instead of Never Seen.

Testing the connection

You can try "waking up" or "refreshing" the connection by doing one of the following:

  • Click the "Configuration" tab. This will send a command to the charger.

  • Go to the "Commands" tab and do a "TriggerMessage" > "BootNotification".

  • Go to the "Proxy" tab and, without really doing anything, click "Save settings".

You can use these tricks during your testing to quickly check if the charger really is still offline.

Never Seen - How to Fix

It may be us

It may be internet

  • Double check the internet connection of your charger. See 📖Offline charger for a list of things you can check per internet connectivity method (Ethernet, WiFi, 4G).

Checking the Chargepoint Identity

  • The problem is often that your Chargepoint ID that you are using is incorrect. See 📖 Chargepoint Identity for more information.

    • The Chargepoint Identity is capital sensitive!

  • Note that in our websocket URL "wss://", the V1 is not the Chargepoint ID. It's part of the websocket URL

Try websocket URL variations

Our OCPP Websocket URL is wss://


Some chargers handle suffixes differently.

  • Try adding a "/":

  • Try adding your chargepoint identity behind the URL:

    If you are already adding the Chargepoint ID, check if your charger has a seperate field for it somewhere. Some chargers have a seperate Chargepoint ID setting, and you should not add it in the Websocket URL.

Try the unsecured connection

Your charger may not be carrying the correct Root SSL Certificate. Try connecting without one:

  • ws://

  • ws://

  • ws://[ChargepointID]

  • ws://[ChargepointID]/

Note, sometimes your charger also has a seperate setting for this. Make sure there are no additional settings in the charger telling it to set up a secured connection.

Which certificates (Root CAs) does my charger need?

The following 2 Root CAs should be installed in the charger's firmware:

Currently used:

  • ISRG Root X1 (currently used)

  • ISRG Root X2

The ISRG Root CAs can be downloaded from:

We have plans to move to Amazon certificates, so it's best to also install these 4:

  • Amazon Root CA 1

  • Amazon Root CA 2

  • Amazon Root CA 3

  • Amazon Root CA 4

The ISRG Root CAs can be downloaded from:

The different Root CA versions are typically used for different algorithms (e.g. EC v/s RSA). If your firmware does not support a particular algorithm, you can leave that Root CA version out.

If you only have room for 2 Root CAs, you should install:

  • ISRG Root X1

  • Amazon Root CA 1

Alfen chargers

  1. Download this file. It contains our certificates.

  2. Upload it to your charger as firmware-update.

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