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How to connect your charger to Volt Time Cloud

How to connect your charger to Volt Time Cloud

Updated over 4 months ago

All Volt Time chargers (with serial numbers >0005000) are already connected by default. If you are experiencing connection issues, see πŸ“– Offline charger

What you need

To connect your charger, you need the following:

  • A charger with OCPP and an internet connection

  • The charger's identity

  • Access to the charger's Websocket URL

How to connect your charger

Creating the charger

Web Portal

  1. Create a πŸ“– Site, this is the physical location of your charger.

  2. Go to Chargers

  3. Click "New charger"

Connecting the charger

Your charger needs to connect to our system. This is done with a Websocket URL. Our websocket URL is wss://

For non-Volt Time chargers, you have to check your charger's documentation or ask the seller to find out how to change the Websocket URL and find the Chargepoint Identity.

Volt Time chargers

To connect an older "Source" charger (with serial number below 0005000), follow these steps:

If your charger is already connected to a different backoffice, you can change the websocket remotely by changing the Configuration. Search for a setting called OEM_OCPPServerURL and change it to wss:// You may have to use the πŸ“– Proxy to re-connect it to the backoffice you were just using.

If your charger is not connected to any backoffice, you must log-in locally to the charger.

  1. Go to the "CSMS" tab

  2. Turn Authorisation Strategy off (Remote via OCPP)

  3. Set CSMS endpoint URL to wss://

  4. Save your changes

  5. Double check the "Charger Identity" is indeed your serial number (VT_[serial])

  6. Make sure the charger has internet by checking the Network tab

  7. Restart the charger. If the charger is connected via WiFi, wait 45 minutes. Otherwise, wait 15 minutes. The charger should come online.


Did you setup everything correctly, but the charger still remains "Never seen"? Check out this article: πŸ“– Charger can't connect to Volt Time Cloud

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