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Labour Market Insights
Labour Market Insights
Updated over a week ago

In this article we will give you tips on how to use the Labour Market Insights functionality. If you are interested in this feature and don't have it yet? Get in touch with your Relation Manager, if you don't have one please send us an email.

Platform Tooltips:

You can filter based on Job Title and Country to clearly analyze labor insights relevant to your target group. Here’s what each report can tell you:

  1. Size of Target Group: This gives you an indication for the amount of effort you may need to successfully recruit in this target group.
    Source: Eurostat, GTAM

  2. Job Market Activity: These percentages show how actively the target group is looking for a new job. Active job seekers are searching for vacancies themselves and you can reach this group through generic and niche job boards. Passive job seekers are willing to switch jobs, but are not actively looking for one. To reach this group optimally, we recommend a mix of job boards, social channels and niche career sites. Source: GTAM

    VONQ’s recommendation is to always use a healthy mix of generic job boards, niche sites, and social channels to reach both active and passive candidates. This report helps you decide how much time and budget to invest into reaching your ideal applicant based on the current share of active and passive job seekers in your target group.

  3. Top 10 Pull Factors: This report summarizes the top 10 most important factors pulling job seekers to employers delivering them. This report shows specifically the factors attractive to your target group. . Use this Labor Market Insights to optimize your content surrounding the job opening. For example, if the working environment is an important pull factor for your target group, you can make a video to show the work environment and their future colleagues.
    Source: GTAM

  4. Top 10 Job Benefits: These are the top 10 benefits (excluding salary) that the target group considers to be important. Check whether these job benefits are covered sufficiently in your content like job posting, ads, emails, etc. And differentiate your communication style for each target group based on their specific wishes and expectations. Source: GTAM

    At VONQ we want to simplify your online job marketing. Think of us as your extended team to make your online recruitment campaigns work smoothly, on target and within budget. Get in touch with us if you need help with this.

  5. Recruitment Difficulty:

    How much effort will it take to fill this position?


    • Easy:

    • Standard

    • Hard

    • Difficult

  6. Average salary:

    Salary expectations for this job, including the minimum, average and maximum.

Data justification

1. What data is present within Labour Market Insights?

Labour Market Insights uses several sources to return labor market data.

  • For the information about the target groups we use the Global Talent Acquisition Monitor (GTAM) Labor Market Behavioral Survey (AGO and from Intelligence Group).

  • For general data points and calculations Eurostat is used.

  • Information on the demand side of the labor market and competition is used from Jobdigger and/or Jobfeed.

2. To what extent is the data in Labour Market Insights representative and reliable?

The reliability and representativeness of the AGO and GTAM are guaranteed because respondents are invited and weighted on the basis of CBS and Eurostat data (according to a methodology developed by SEO, affiliated with the UvA).

The research methods and data have been validated by SEOR (affiliated with Erasmus University) and Risk Quest. The demand-side data gives you continuous and real-time insight of the online vacancies in the labor market.

3. How large is the sample?

The size of the sample of vacancies for the relevant target group depends on the demand on the labour market. The target group information is always shown on the basis of at least 50 suitable respondents in AGO/GTAM.

4. How up-to-date is the data in Labour Market Insights?

The target group information in Labour Market Insights is always based on two years of rolling data and is updated quarterly. When a new quarterly survey is completed, this information is added and the oldest quarter is dropped from the data. The information on the demand side of the labor market is real-time and thus can vary from day to day.

Practical tips

1. How do I search for information about my target group?

Labour Market Insights returns target group information on job level, because there can be important differences in information between jobs. This means that you cannot search for information on a field or industry, as that would lose valuable information/differences.

To search by job level, you can enter a job title. It is important that you choose a job title that is common on the labor market for this target group. For example, if you are using very specific titles internally, it is wise to use a more general title or synonyms for your search.

2. How do the filter options work?

On the start screen or above the dashboard you can enter the target group and the region:

At 'who', type in the job title of the target group you want to receive information about. It is important to choose one of the suggestions. If your desired job title is not listed, then choose a related job title.

At 'where' you select the country: depending on your subscription, one or more countries are listed here. You can always expand the number of countries by contacting Intelligence Group via or 088-730 2800.

Have you selected the Netherlands, you can then also choose a province (with region) and / or work experience level. You do not need to use these filters to get results, but they do provide more specific results.

3. Can I search on multiple job titles at the same time?

No, it is not possible to select multiple jobs simultaneously. The target group selection in Labour Market Insights is based on ISCO-classification: an internationally used classification of professions.

Based on the job title entered, an ISCO class is determined to then display the appropriate target group information. This process is disrupted when two job titles are entered, resulting in incorrect data being displayed. So perform a new search for each job title.

4. Can I also search at branch level?

No, Labour Market Insights goes deeper than branches and only shows information on job level. Within branches there are a large number of functions and as there may be important differences between all of them, Labour Market Insights only displays information per function.

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