How do I set up an integration with my career page?
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Here you can find information on how to set-up an integration between VONQ and your career page.

VONQ does not only integrates with many ATS systems, but can also integrate with your career page. 

  1. Deliver us a XML feed with the jobs from your career page

  2. The XML feed needs to have the exact same field names as described here: 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

These elements cannot be empty:

  • id - alphanumeric

  • title - alphanumeric

  • description - alphanumeric

  • created_at - dateTime

These elements allow empty values:

  • minimum_years_of_experience - positive int

  • working_hours/min - positive int

  • working_hours/max - positive int

  • salary_description - alphanumeric

  • contact_details/name - alphanumeric

  • contact_details/phonenumber - alphanumeric

  • application_url - url

  • criteria/category - alphanumeric

  • criteria/education_level - alphanumeric

  • criteria/industry - alphanumeric

  • criteria/job_level - alphanumeric

  • criteria/region - alphanumeric

The rest is optional, but when filled, they make it easier for the user to create campaigns from their vacancies. If they prefer, they can also use a XSD to validate their feed.

3. Deliver the XML feed to and inform your account manager as well.
4. Your technical team at VONQ sets up the integration
5. Your technical team at VONQ tests and activates the integration
6. You're good to go!

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