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Implementing The Tracking Code Snippets

installing the code snippets + career page examples

Updated over a week ago

Table of content:

3.1  General Implementation of tracking
3.2 Combo page
3.3 Implementation In a Single Page Application (SPA)
3.4 Tracking within a 3-rd party ATS
3.5 The Custom CMS
3.6 Using Google Tag Manager

As mentioned earlier, no two career sites are equal, so the implementation may vary according to the specifics of the system at hand. Following are some guidelines for common-case scenario implementations. 

Note: We recommend you adding the so-called customerreferenceID in the code snippets. This is a unique identifier for your vacancy. This can be an ID, a title, or anything else that uniquely identifies your vacancy. For more information see 3.3

Example of a tracking snippet (Job Description page view): 

Please note that those snippets are meant to be used as a reference and not for direct implementation. The code in them is subject of change and thus we highly recommend to take the snippets provided to you in our “Getting Started Page”. 

3.1  General Implementation of tracking 


  • All steps of the candidate journey take place on the website of the customer

  • There are separate templates for each step (Job Description, Application form, Application success) 

  • All pages have a unique URL for a specific job

This is the most straightforward case when the website and its codebase are owned by the customer or at least there is a dedicated IT team to take care of the integration in the system.

If there are separate templates for the four types of pages (Career page, Job Description, Application form, Application success) the solution is just to insert the code snippets taken from the  “Getting Started Page” in each template.  The recommended place to insert those is as near as possible to the opening <body> tag. If that is not an option for the particular case it can be placed where the situation allows.

After tracking is installed, you can follow our Validation instructions to test the implementation.

3.2 Combo page 


  • The Job Description, Application form, Application success message or a combination of them is merged into a single page 

  • All steps of the candidate journey take place on the website of the customer

  • The page has a unique URL for a specific job

A common case for a job-description page is to have a form for a candidate to fill in his details and a button to send it. The Application success message then can be just a pop-up message or a dialog. This effectively means that customer doesn’t have a dedicated page for each step of the candidate journey.

In this case, we recommend installing Job Description, Page View and Page Ping trackers on the page the same way as in the general case. They will be executed when the page is loaded in the browser.

Then Application form tracker can be executed when the candidate starts filling in the form or when the form becomes visible on the screen when scrolled to. Application success and Applicant conversion can be executed with the pop-up of application success message.

After tracking is installed, you can follow our Validation instructions to test the implementation.

3.3 Implementation In a Single Page Application (SPA)


  • Job Description, Application form, Application success are just views that are generated by business logic on a Single Page Application

  • All steps of the candidate journey take place on the website of the customer

SPA web applications require a bit different approach for implementing the tracking snippets. Since in those apps, the user does not get the traditional URLs for a particular page but is navigated via internal mechanisms. The VONQ RA tracking algorithm uses the referring URL as a means to determine exactly to which VONQ campaign the traffic should be attributed so some extra bits of information must be added to the snippet to stitch the candidate journey. 

For this purpose, VONQ utilizes the customerReferenceId field from the step_view event data and which must be provided by the customer. The value can be a derivative of any identifier that can uniquely identify the job from the user system perspective. This can be a hash of the job id, the job id itself or any other value that fits the purpose.


Note: Due to the inherent complexity of SPA applications the implementation should try to guarantee that the tracking snippets are executed only once per view in order to avoid duplicate data. This might require an extra layer of checks depending on the business logic of the app. 

After tracking is installed, you can follow our Validation instructions to test the implementation.

3.4 Tracking within a 3-rd party ATS 


  • Parts of the candidate journey (usually the application form and the success message) are delegated to an external party outside of the customer website   

  • All pages have a unique URLs for a specific job

Many customers utilize Applicant Tracking Systems to manage their candidate's data in a single place, get insights, etc. 

Each ATS has its own specifics and capabilities for incorporating a tracking code or pixel at their system and those are tied closely to the particular system at hand. In these cases, one should follow the documentation provided by the ATS vendor or contact their customer support for more information.

After tracking is installed, you can follow our Validation instructions to test the implementation.

3.5 The Custom CMS

  • For some reason, the tracking snippets cannot be integrated into the code of the website

  • There are separate templates for the 3 steps (Job Description, Application form, Application success) 

  • All pages have unique URLs for a specific job

  • All parts of the candidate journey take place on the website of the customer

There are cases in which the source code of the website is not accessible, there is a lack of IT support at hand or any other reason that prevents the customer of implementing the trackers by own means. If this is your current situation we can recommend one of the following options: 

  • Ask someone to install a Google Tag Manager container snippet on the site. This will enable further tracking management without additional modifications to the source code of the website. 

  • Try to find a freelance developer who can implement the required changes 

  • Contact us for assigning a dedicated integration engineer  

After tracking is installed, you can follow our Validation instructions to test the implementation.

3.6 Using Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is a popular tool from Google that lots of websites are adopting to manage all their trackers. It is easy to install, has an intuitive user interface, team collaboration and supports a large case of user scenarios. Also, it shifts the control of tag implementation to the business, which in essence means that changes in tag management do not require special changes in the website’s source code.  

For more information visit the Google Tag Manager website and read Google’s guides on GTM. 

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