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6. Training your staff

Let's make your staff fluent in Vuuh!

Updated over 4 months ago

Live workshop

As a premium-user, we enable your staff with a live-workshop of Vuuh, to teach all end-users and staff who will be managing Vuuh within your organization on the best-practices inside of the tool.

New incoming features & functions

We support you ongoingly - every new feature or function inside of the platform will also include new workshops to ensure your team is fully aware of every aspect of the platform.

New employees

For every new employee who will be using the platform, we schedule a 30 minutes session together with reading materials, to help every new user to know how to use Vuuh within their role inside of your organization.

Help Centre

Within our help centre, your staff will be able to find quick answers to various questions involved the product & possible troubleshoots they might encounter, besides giving direct access to our support chat, with a team always ready to help you.

Vuuh Academy

Inside of the Help Centre - you can also access our Vuuh Academy, a space where various guides and articles are easily accessible and organized on a feature level, to enable you and your staff to get quick guidance throughout your usage in the platform.

A dedicated Customer Success Manager

Within a premium package, you also have a dedicated Customer Success Manager, who will be working with you and your team ongoingly to ensure high success of Vuuh inside of your operations. Adjusting sessions and materials constantly to guarantee you are making the most out of Vuuh.

Contact your Customer Success Manager today to talk about all training possibilities for your team! πŸš€

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