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Waalaxy x Google Sheet
Waalaxy x Google Sheet

How to sync Waalaxy x Google Sheet?

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Do I need a paid subscription to create Zapier Webhooks?

Yes. You will need a paid subscription to Zapier, or the trial version to be able to create Webhooks.

You will also need a paid subscription, Pro, Advanced or Business on Waalaxy, to create Webhooks.

Link of the Waalaxy x Google Sheet Zap

If you don't have the time or the energy. No worries 😏

I've created a Zap template, that you'll just have to copy / paste into your browser to automatically resume the pre-completed Zap.

Waalaxy x Google Sheet synchronization

Step 1: Go to Zapier

  • Click on Create a Zap,

  • Search for Webhook by Zapier,

  • In Event, select Catch Hook,

  • Click on Continue twice, skipping the "Pick off a Child Key" part,

  • Copy the webhook URL.

Step 2: Go to Waalaxy

  • Click on Campaign and Create a campaign,

  • Filter by the action CRM Sync to see all sequences that include this action,

  • Select the sequence of your choice,

  • Fill in the various fields (action, delay, message content),

In the "CRM Sync" section :

  • Select the CRM that you are going to configure,

  • Paste the link of the Webhook previously copied,

  • Click on Test, then Validate,

    Launch the campaign. 🚀

Step 3: Go to Google Sheet

  • Create the spreadsheet on which your prospects will be exported

  • Add one column for each data you want to be exported (first name, last name, email, company...) and put a title to each column as such

Step 4: Launch the Webhook

  • Go back to Zapier, and pick up where you left off.

Now that the campaign has been launched, you can Validate the Webhook on Zapier.

  • Click on Continue.

Step 5: Synchronize Google Sheet

  • Click on the small + and search for Google Sheet.

  • In Event, search for Create Multiple Spreadsheet Rows and click on Continue.

  • Connect your Google Sheet account.

  • In Action, select the spreadsheet you created beforehand, then fill out the different rows for each data you want to be exported. For example, for the data "first name", you need to select "First Name"

  • Once you're done, it should look like this 👇

  • Click on Continue, and Test action

  • You should get a success message like this one

View on Google Sheet

Go to your spreadsheet, and you should see one test data. All the prospects exported from your Waalaxy campaign will appear here.

Congratulations, you're all done 🎉

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