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View and Pay Gift Up! Fees for Your Gift Card Sales
View and Pay Gift Up! Fees for Your Gift Card Sales
Updated over a week ago

Each gift card sold through Walla will have a 3.49% Gift Up! fee associated with it. This fee is from Gift Up! and is related to every gift card sold regardless of sales method.

This is collected separately by Gift Up! You will not see the Gift Up! fee included on financial reports within Walla. You will be invoiced monthly directly by Gift Up! and will pay the cumulative Gift Up! fees to Gift Up! directly.

Keep in mind that for sale of a gift card purchased via a credit card the Stripe transaction fee applies to the sale in addition to Gift Up!'s fees.

This Gift Up! article provides details as to how you can pay your invoices directly to Gift Up!

Where to see your monthly Gift Up! fee totals

  1. Log in to Gift Up! and select Billing

  2. Choose either Fee Breakdown or Invoices to see each monthly invoice

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