Access a Livestream Class
Updated over a week ago

Where to Find Livestream Links

There are two primary places where you can find the link: the Booking Confirmation Email and the "Your Livestream Class is Starting Soon" Email.

Booking Confirmation Email

Upon completing your reservation, you will receive a Booking Confirmation Email. This email will contain a link to access your Zoom class, ensuring a direct and hassle-free entry. Please note that while the link is provided, the meeting ID and password are not included in this email. The link in the email becomes active (minutes) before the class starts, as indicated in the "Please note" message in the Booking Confirmation Email.

Your Livestream Class is Starting Soon Email

As the class start time approaches, depending on the studio’s settings, you will receive an email titled "Your Livestream Class is Starting Soon." In this email, you will find both the meeting ID and password, as well as an active link to access Zoom. The link within this email becomes active a specific number of minutes before the class starts. You can find the exact timing under the message: "Please note this link will not be active until (minutes) before class starts." in the Booking Confirmation Email.

Join a Livestream Class

Once you book a livestream class you will receive a link before class via email or text message. The link within email must be clicked in order for visit to be marked as checked-in. The easiest and most seamless way to access your live stream class is by clicking the "Login with Zoom" link. This ensures a hassle-free entry into your virtual session. If needed, you can copy the meeting ID and passcode as a last resort. However, be cautious about potential errors such as copying extra spaces or incomplete codes. Note that copying and pasting the livestream link will not count the visit as checked-in and can cause other discrepancies.

To attend your livestream class, follow these steps:

  1. You can find the livestream link in two main locations:
    Booking Confirmation Email: Look for the link in the email confirming your booking.
    "Your Livestream Class is Starting Soon" Email: You'll receive a reminder email before the class starts, containing the link.

  2. About the class start time, click the provided link. This action will automatically redirect you to sign in to your Walla studio account.

  3. Upon clicking the link, you'll be prompted to sign in to your Zoom account.

  4. After successfully signing in, you'll seamlessly enter the livestream class. Enjoy your session!

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