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Client information and synchronization

Summary on how Watalook Studio treats your clients' information

Justas avatar
Written by Justas
Updated over 2 years ago

When a beauty specialist signs in to Watalook Studio for the first time

  • When a beauty pro joins Watalook Studio, all his clients are immediately imported. If such a client already exists in Watalook Studio, it is not created (contacts are deduplicated).

  • Comments about the client are also imported into Watalook Studio and are visible to all beauty pros to whom that client is assigned.

  • Photos of work done for the client.

How client info is synchronized when a beauty pro is signed to a Studio

  • When the beauty pro is in Watalook Studio, all newly registered clients are automatically created as contacts in the studio as well.

  • If a beauty pro saves a note about a client, it will automatically become visible to their Watalook Studio members. If they delete the note, it will be automatically deleted everywhere.

  • If the Studio admin edits client info, this information will be updated in the specialist's account too.

  • Client information will be updated in every Studio member's account to which this client is assigned.

  • If beauty pro deletes a client, it will be removed from their account but will stay in the general Watalook Studio client list.

  • A specialist has the option to block a client. However, the client will remain visible to the rest of the Studio.

If a beauty pro leaves the Studio account

  • If a beauty pro leaves the Studio, the Studio keeps the information about those clients who have previously had appointments with other Studio members or if there are any future appointments scheduled for those specialists.

  • The beauty pro can keep all clients' information, except for those clients that have been added by the Studio admin or other Studio members.

  • When a beauty pro leaves the Studio, they are no longer able to see the client notes or photos made by their ex Studio members.

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