In order to book an appointment, you will need to create and log in to your account first.
You'll find your booking history, information about upcoming bookings, and your favorite salons and beauticians in your account. Here, you can also add your credit card for convenient cashless payments.
From now on, you can log in to your Watalook account using these methods:
Using your email
Using your Apple or Google profile
Using your Facebook account
The login method using a text message confirmation is no longer available.
When using your email
When logging in with your email for the first time, you'll need to enter your account info, create a password, agree to our terms and select whether you want to receive our promotional emails. Once you're done, we'll send you a text with a confirmation code. You'll have to enter it to finish your registration.
After you've successfully finished your registration, you'll stay logged in unless you log out or try to log in using a different device. In that case, you'll be asked to enter your password.
When using Apple, Google, or Facebook accounts
You'll need to complete the same steps described above and some additional steps, depending on the account you want to use for login.
If you forgot your password
We don't collect our users' password data in order to protect their profiles and personal information. If you forget your password, we'll send you an email with a link where you can create a new password.