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How to add a Due Date to an Activated Checklist

Instructions for adding a Due Date to an Activated Checklist

Andrew Sutton avatar
Written by Andrew Sutton
Updated over 9 months ago

Adding due dates to an Activated Checklist allows you to set a timeframe that a step needs to be completed within.

You can add due dates to one or more steps and select if the time will be calculated from when the checklist is started or from another step being completed.

Once a checklist is run, Way We Do will calculate the estimated or projected time that the checklist needs to be completed within based on the due dates added.

Why would I add a due date to my checklist?

This is a useful feature for any of your processes where you need to meet a KPI, deadline, or you have to ensure certain steps are being completed in a timely manner. Steps with due dates added can be completed before they are actually due.

  • You have a daily checklist that is run via a Schedule at 9am every day. Setting the last step as due within 8 hours ensures that it is completed by 5pm

  • If you have to ensure you've followed up with a customer within a time period e.g. checking in with a customer within the 72 hours after they purchased a new product from you

Adding a due date to a step

1. Add an Activity Step or a Decision Point

When adding your step into Way We Do the default option is to create a standard Activity Step. You can type your content and hit enter on your keyboard to add this.


If you're adding a Decision Point, you'll need to select the arrow to expose the different Step Types and select Decision Point


2. Edit the content of your step

When you're editing the content of the step select Due Date to expand the view

  • To turn the Due Date on, select Set a due date?

  • If you'd like the person(s) completing the checklist to be able to adjust the due date, you can do this by changing Can the due date be modified by the collaborator? to "Yes"

  • Your due date can either begin calculating from when the checklist is run or when another step in the process has been completed. Use the Calculate due from dropdown to choose either Start or another step

  • Use the fields under Due within to enter in the amount of time that you want to pass before the step is due. If you don't require one of the fields, leave the amount at zero. Note: a day is calculated at 24 hours. So, in the below screenshot 1 day, 12 hours, and 30 minutes would be a total of 36 hours and 30 minutes

If you're using Work Hours this will impact how you calculate your due within period. You can hover over the blue question mark next to Due within for more information on calculating your due date. Select Use the Work Day Calculator to help you convert actual time in to work hours


Once you've formatted your due date you can select to collapse the view. In Edit Mode your due date duration will show on the step.


When you are viewing the checklist in View Mode i.e. not editing the procedure, you can see which steps have a due date on them by looking for the clock icon. Hover to see when the due date will occur


How adding Due Dates will affect the Checklist

When you add due dates to steps in an activated checklist, the latest due date formatted becomes the due date for the entire checklist.

This means that if other steps in the checklist are not completed prior to the latest due date, the overall checklist will have a status of Overdue, even if the steps with a due date are completed within their due period.

If you wish to have a due date for the overall checklist, we recommend having an Activity step with a Due Date or an Event Step as the last step in your process.

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