You can change your password in the Settings section of Web Control. Passwords to the Web Control system expire every 90 days. When you create a new password, it must meet the following requirements:
Passwords must contain a minimum of 8 characters
Passwords must contain at least one letter
Passwords must contain at least one number
Passwords must not be the same as the one you used most recently
Passwords are case sensitive
Passwords cannot contain your Web Control user name as part of the password
Standard Users have the ability to change their own passwords.
Manager Users have the ability to change their own and passwords of any other user.
The steps for changing passwords vary based on the type of user you are.
Standard User
To change a password:
Log in to Web Control.
Click the Settings link.
From the User Settings section, click Edit User.
Click Edit Access.
Click Change Password.
Type in a new password in both Password fields and click Submit.
Click Update User at the bottom of the screen to apply the change.
Manager User
To change a password:
Log in to Web Control.
Click the Settings link.
From the User Settings section, click List Users.
Click the name of the individual whose password you want to change.
Click Edit Access.
Click Change Password.
Type in a new password in both Password fields and click Submit.
Click Update User at the bottom of the screen to apply the change.