Please review the Managing Lockouts video for a quick tutorial on how to unlock yourself!
The easiest way to unlock your account is via the Forgot password/locked out? functionality. Users must have an alternate email address saved within Web Control in order to use this feature. The alternate email address is a separate email address which Web Control would send your temporary password should you ever find yourself locked out.
Ideally, it is best to set your alternate email address as an address you would have access to at any time - e.g, an address tied to your smart phone which you can access from anywhere.
To add or edit your alternate email address within Web Control:
Go to the Settings page.
If a Standard User, select Edit User.
If a Manager User, select List Users, then select yourself or any user in your account whose alternate email address needs added.
From the Edit Info section, input the separate email address in the Alternate Email Address field.
Click Update User.