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Sales Records in Prospect Records
Ed Agner avatar
Written by Ed Agner
Updated over a week ago

This functionality is available for dealers with the Web Control Advanced Package only.

For information on how to upgrade your account to Web Control Advanced, please contact your Web Control Sales Rep.

What are Web Control Sales Records?
The Sales tab in Prospect Records tracks instances when prospects have been marked sold.  The Sales tab will effectively work as a Garage - all vehicles the Prospect purchased from the dealership will reflect in this area.
Marking Prospects Sold

Prospects can be marked Sold by moving the Prospect to a Sold status

Or by marking a Scheduled Meeting as Sold.

Complete the Sold Vehicle form.  For additional help in completing the Sold Vehicle form, please review - Complete the "Sold Vehicle" Form within Web Control.

​ What Reflects in the Sales tab

The information input in the Sold vehicle form will reflect in the Sold record saves in the Sales tab.
The Vehicle Status drop down allows you to indicate if the prospect no Longer Owns the vehicle.

Access to Editing Sold Information

Users can be given access to edit Sold data by Manager Admin Users.

To give a user access to edit Sold data, Manager Admin Users will need to:

  • Go to Settings

  • Click List Users

  • Select a User

  • Click Edit Access

  • From the Privileges section change the menu beside Edit Sold Data from No to Yes.

  • Click Update User

Editing Sold Data

With Privileges to Edit Sold Data enabled, users can add or change information on the sold vehicle and the financial information.

Clicking Update will save the information.

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