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Web Control Status Folders
Ed Agner avatar
Written by Ed Agner
Updated over a week ago

Status Folders to the left side of the Web Control Main Prospect Screen contain the Prospects in your account.

Clicking on an arrow beside a Sales Status will show all the sub-folders within that status.

Clicking in a specific Status (e.g., Active) or a sub-folder (e.g., First Response) will show all the Prospects contained in the Status or sub-folder.

  • Active Statuses - it is suggested to use this Status for "hot" Prospects in the market to buy immediately.

  • Long Term Statuses - it is suggested to use this Status for Prospects who may need a few weeks to make a purchase decision (e.g., Prospects who may have went on vacation and will be ready to buy when returning).

  • Sold Statuses - for Prospects who are purchasing or have purchased from the dealership.

  • All Lost Statuses - it is suggested to use this Status for Prospects who have stated they are not purchasing at this time.

  • Not Applicable Statuses - for Internet prospects you may receive where there is no valid information ("bogus" Internet leads).  Note: Prospects placed in Not Applicable Status folders will not reflect on reports.

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