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How to upload your client details using an Excel file
How to upload your client details using an Excel file

Upload multiple client information in one go by using the file upload tool.

Joe Marris avatar
Written by Joe Marris
Updated over a week ago

Using the multi-client upload tool, you can upload information for multiple clients at the same time using the XLSX file uploader. Find out in this article how to do this.

Firstly, go to the Settings tab, then click on the Client management sub-tab.

Click on the Upload records button to start uploading your client information.

You can either click on the Upload box or open your file browser by clicking on the hyperlinked button. Below the file upload button, you’ll find a link to download the template with all the fields to correctly upload your client data.

Click on Download our template and a download will start automatically. Once the file has been downloaded, find it in your computer’s downloads folder and open it. Within the file, you’ll find all the different field titles, as well as two tabs:

Client details and Values

Under the Client Details section, you’ll find all the headings to fill in your client information in one go. Click here to view the different template headings and their function.

Under the Values section, you can find fields as a dropdown menu. These are the default values you should fill in to register your customer details in the systems.

How to fill out the template

Within the Client details tab in the Excel file, enter the information for each of the fields. These include Client details, address details, and individual contact details.

Important: some fields are mandatory, and without entering information within them, the file will not upload correctly. The following fields are mandatory for your file to save: Company.

Company code, Address, City, Country, Contact name are only mandatory

If you are adding address information.

Once you’ve added your client details, save the file.

Next, go back to the WebCargo website to select your newly saved file.

Select the file from your computer. You will see if it has been detected correctly, as a green tick will show along with the file name.

Next, choose whether you want to update existing client records, or completely overwrite all existing records.

Important: selecting Overwrite all will remove all current client records. This cannot be reversed.

Click on Process file. The file will then be processed and uploaded. Once the upload is complete, a message will appear stating The file has been uploaded successfully.

Your client information will then be visible in the Client management tool. View the Client details, contact information, and Sales Conditions within the separate tabs.

To edit any of the client details such as address, or any information regarding the contacts, click on the pencil symbol to the right of each.

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