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Calculated fields

How to calculate fields in an overview

Updated over a week ago

If you want to make a calculation in your overview you can do this by using the "Calculated fields" function.

In the following example vi calculated the weighted revenue across different pipeline levels.

Below is an overview of opportunities in the pipeline this quarter. In the second last column you see the revenue, and in the last column it shows the winning probability, which is associated with the pipeline level in question.

To access ”Calculated fields”, press ”Actions” and ”Calculated fields”.

Then press ”Add”, give the column a headline and choose the wanted calculation. In this case it’s ”Calculated field1 * Calculated field2(%)” as shown below.

The type determines which calculation is performed, so for example there is also the possibility to add or subtract fields.

Choose the two fields, that are to be used in the calculation. In this case, it’s ”Opportunity / Revenue” and ”Opportunity / Pipeline pct.”. Then press ”Save”.

Now a new column has been added to the overview, in which the weighted revenue is shown.

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