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Set up your notifications, and make sure you get notified

Updated over a week ago

In webCRM you have the opportunity to receive notifications across the different modules of the system.

To manage your notifications, go to the upper right corner of your page, click on the notification symbol, and then click on the settings symbol.

Types of notifications:

Notification activity responsible

With this notification you will get notified every time changes happen on an activity, where you are set as the responsible user.

Activity include last history entry

Within the notification itself you will be able to see the log entry that has been made with the change of the activity.

Reminder activity responsible

You can get a reminder from an activity, if you are the responsible user, as long as you have a deadline registered.

This notification ONLY works if the activity has a time deadline - otherwise the system won't know when to send out the reminder. You can choose from the list as shown below, when the reminder should pop up:

Notification opportunity responsible

If any changes happen on an opportunity, where you are the responsible user, you will be notified.

Notification opportunity validation

The responsible user on an opportunity will be notified, if mandatory fields are not filled out when the opportunity is created from an activity.

Notification delivery responsible

You will be notified if any changes happen on a delivery, where you are the responsible user.

Notification delivery validation

The responsible user on a delivery will be notified, if mandatory fields are not filled out when the delivery is created from an activity.

Notification support case responsible

If any changes happens on a support case, the responsible user of the support case will be notified.

Notification organisation responsible

You will be notified, if any changes are made on an organisation, where you are the responsible user.

Notification meeting participant

You will be notified if you've been added to a meeting.

Product news and Tips & Tricks

At webCRM we push notifications whenever we have product news or updates, as well as tips on how to improve the use of the system. If you want to stay up to date on the system and how to use it, we recommend that these notifications are activated.

ERP integration warning notifications

If you have an ERP integration, you will get notified every time a synchronization fails. In the notification itself you will see exactly what causes the sync error. These notification are marked with YELLOW as shown below.

ERP integration information notifications

By activating this notification, you will be notified every time a synchronization has happened successfully with the ERP system. These notifications are marked with GREEN as shown below.

NOTICE: The synchronization between webCRM and a typical ERP system will happen many times a day across both organisations, deliveries and opportunities.

Therefore we usually recommend that this notification is turned off to ensure that you don't get unnecessary notifications.

e-Sign notifications

If you use either Visma Addo or GetAccept, you can by activating this notification get notified every time a customer signs a deal using one of these programs.

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