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You can create different weblinks, that uses word search from fields in webCRM

Updated over a week ago

Weblink - Search

In webCRM you have the opportunity to do a word search from webCRM fields. For example this can be used in regards to LinkedIn, where you can search directly on a Person or Organisation from webCRM.

Merge: URL / Link

In this section you can find the code that should be scripted to search for a specifik word in a specific field.

  1. In Entity type you choose the Entity in which you want to find the field - for example Organisation, Person or Meetings.

  2. In Field you can choose between the fields in the given module above. On Organisation, the field could be Name or Address.

  3. In Number you will then access the code to insert in the URL, to search for the value in the specific field.

URL setup

In the following part of the setup you will see three areas; Display, Label and Link

  1. Display is the entity you wish to have it shown on. In the above example it will be shown on the Organisation view.

  2. On the Label you can choose the text to be shown on the icon. In this example the text and icon will be shown on the Organisation view.

  3. The Link field is where you insert the link. In the above example it is [11010], which is linked from Google. The last part of the link [11010] points to the field "Name" on the Organisation, and the field will therefore merge into the link, that is being searched.


At the bottom of the page you will see different examples to create weblinks, and also see how it merges different fields into the link.

These examples are mainly in regards to Google and LinkedIn, as these are some of the most common weblinks our customers work with.

It is however also possible to create weblinks to Facebook, or to even look up an Organisation in a public database.

In the below example, I've made a weblink, that starts a search on the Organisation Name in Google.

The URL from Google is copied from just going to Google, and making a random search. From the URL on the random search, you mark the first half of the URL as shown below, and insert in webCRM.

You then go and copy the Number for the wanted field to merge, and insert it in the URL as the last part.

Click the Save button to save your settings. Now you will have A Google icon on your Organisations, and the link behind the icon, will in this example send you directly to a Google search for the company name.

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