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Data Import: Step 3 - Validate

How to validate your data

Updated over a week ago

Validate your data

The following screen will automatically appear:

You now need to select the module Data that you wish to import. By checking these modules you are pre-selecting the appropriate fields and options in the next section: Map Data.

In this example we have checked:

  • Import Organisations

  • Import Persons

  • Import Activities

IMPORTANT: You have the option to select Only create new. If you select this option, then if the data you try to import matches (based on the duplicate match criteria that you select) records that already exist in your webCRM data, then they will be ignored and no existing data will be changed.

WARNING: If you do not select Only create new then any records that match (based on the duplicate match criteria that you select) will be updated wherever you have mapped a field, and if the raw data contains a value for that field.

You can also select for Email confirmation when the import is completed; imports of very large amounts of data can take some time.

Permit Data Lines with blanks

Whilst you may have made every effort to ensure clean Data, you could have some missing Data i.e. blank fields or some extra populated fields in your Raw data. By checking each of these options, the import routine will allow these rows to be imported. If you don't check these boxes and there are Data errors, the whole row will not be imported.

Import Description

We recommend that you give the import a full description as you can refer to this after the import to check what was included, and you can also re-use the profile (for example if you have lots of the same data split into files, then you can create only one import profile and apply it to each file in turn).

Save setting and validate

When you have made your selections, click Save setting and validate. The screen will update and display a new message:

NOTE: you can return to this tab at any time prior to import and amend your choices but you MUST click Save setting and validate each time.

If you make changes to the options on the Validate tab, then you will need to review the Map data and Create mode tabs and set any additional or different options as required.

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