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Data Import: Step 5 - Create Mode

Here you can configure how your data will be created in webCRM

Updated over a week ago

Create mode

The options here control how the import will look for duplications, how it should handle blank fields and specify whether to create new or update existing records.

You must specify options for each module that you have checked for import on the Validate tab.

NOTE: every time you make changes to the options on the Validate or Create mode tab, then you will need to review the Map data tab and set any additional or different mapping options as required.

From the screen above you can see how to set the parameters for each module, in our example: Organisations, Persons and Activities.


You can select to identify unique Organisations by:

  • Organisation name + Division name (default)

  • Organisation system ID

  • Organisation name + Division name + Territory

  • Any other custom field defined as 'unique' in Custom fields: Organisations

NOTE: Organisation system ID would typically be used for Exported data, which is then externally updated. In this case the Data import would actually be updating the existing records matching on that unique ID.

The Import Mode is pre-set and you may choose to ignore blank fields or not.

Similar options are available for the Persons import.

You can select to identify unique Persons by:

  • Organisation + Person name

  • Organisation + Person email

  • Contact email

  • Contact system ID

If you are using Data import to update existing records in other modules, for example Opportunities, then you should select Update existing, create new. The screen will immediately update and ask for a value to Uniquely identify by. You will need corresponding unique values in your raw data file in order for the matching to succeed.

When you have set the options you require, click Save settings.

NOTE: every time you make changes to the options on the Validate or Create mode tab, then you will need to review the Map data tab and set any additional or different options as required.

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