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Add and edit quotationlines

If your system is not integrated with a ERP system which automaticly updates the quotationlines, then you're able to do it manually.

Updated over a week ago

In webCRM you're able to have quotationlines, which makes it easier to add products or services to your opportunities or orders. There are two ways of adding or editing the quotationlines, one at a time or multiple at once.

Go to the cogwheele in the top right corner, and then "Configurations" -> "Custom fields" -> "Products".

Here you have to press "Quotation - Linked data".

Add/update one at a time


When adding or updating you have to press "List / Edit linked data".

Here you'll be able to add a new quotationline by pressing the plus in the top right.

Here you have to fill the fields setup for the quotationlines, and then press "Save".


When a quotationline have been added you'll be able to edit the quotationline. Press the little pen, which is shown in the left side of the line.

Here you're able to change the fields which you have to update, and after changing the fields press "Save", and it is now updated.

Updating multiple at once

Go to the list by pressing "List / Edit linked data".

Here you're able to download the list to excel by pressing "Download list til excel".

In this excelsheet you're able to change the lines which you wish to change, and add the new lines in to the list under the existing lines. Afterwards you have to save the file as a CSV file.

Please note that when updating multiple lines with this method, you may not remove the lines which is not edited, because it is overwriting the existing list in webCRM. If removing any line from the excel file would result in them not being uploadet again.

When you've made the changes, updated exisiting or added more lines, press "Paste all linked data".

Here you'll have to press "Upload/Overwrite", where you can upload the CSV file, and the changes is now made.

alternatively you can copy and pasta the data into the textbox. Here the information have to be listed with each quotationline on a seperat line, and every dataentry have to be seperated by a semicolon ( ; ).

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