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Custom fields - Persons

How to work with custom fields for Person in webCRM

Updated over a week ago

Click on the gear icon → Configurations → Custom fields → Persons. On all modules, you have the option to create 15 custom fields. You can set up the fields yourself as checkboxes, lists or something else from the list to the left.

Extra custom fields

On the Custom fields: Persons screen, you can scroll to the bottom of the Custom fields section to see another group of fields which are only available for Person records.

These fields are all checkboxes, and designed to help you manage the interests and preferences of Persons you communicate with.

You simply enable a checkbox, specify a Display order, field name and Instructions (typically a short code) and can create up to 10 checkboxes.

Here we have chosen to add a checkbox to see if the person is subscribed to our newsletter:


By default you are able to enter a Person's name that already exists. This is sensible since it is entirely possible to know two different people with the same name.

However, there may be situations when you wish to ensure that duplicate Person records are not being created and you can do this by setting a duplicate check on Persons which looks at a combination of Full name, Direct telephone, Mobile telephone, Email or Title.

With this configuration, if you try to create a new Person record with the same details, the system will warn you by displaying a message at the top of the screen that the name already exists.

You can set the match criteria by Clicking on the gear icon → Configuration → Custom fields → Persons and then clicking the Duplicates icon.

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