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New frontpage: KPI panels

How do you use the KPI panels? Here you can see some examples of how to set them up

Updated over a week ago

Now you can show the company's KPIs or the department's KPIs on the new frontpage by using the new KPI panels. In this guide we will go through some examples of how they can be set up.

In the panel you will get information about the target value, you have set. The percentage in the left side of the box shows how close you are to the target value in the current time period (a time period you set up), and the percentage below (smaller number) shows what was reached in the previous time period.

In the example below we have reached 44% of the target value this time period and last month we reached 49%.

The number to the right (red or green) shows the difference between the previous and the current time period.

Below you can find 3 examples of ways to set up your KPI panels.

Turnover per user

In this example we will set up a KPI for the turnover for a certain user.

  1. We set up this KPI for the user Harry

  2. The entity type is Deliveries/Orders, because this is where the turnover is registered.

  3. We give it the title "Revenue Harry"

  4. From the entity Delivery/Order we want to look at the actual field "Revenue"

  5. When you choose "Revenue" you will also get the option of choosing currency

  6. You set the target value (100000)

  7. Choose the time period (week or month)

  8. Press "Okay" to save the KPI panel and continue working with the other elements on the frontpage

Be aware: In target value period/full stop (.) equals decimals and the field does not separate thousands (100,000)

New quotations - total

In the next example we have set up a KPI for the number of new quotations per week, that looks at the quotations for all users (the whole department) in total.

  1. We have chosen all users because we want to measure on the total number of new quotations/opportunities in the department

  2. The entity type is Opportunities, because we want to look at the number of new opportunities

  3. We have given the panel a name (New quotations)

  4. The field from Opportunities we specifically want to look at is "Created"

  5. The target value (number of opportunities) is 35

  6. The period is set to week

  7. Press "Okay" to save the KPI panel and continue working with the other elements on the frontpage

Closed support cases

In this last example we set up a KPI for number of closed support cases.

  1. We have chosen all users because we want to measure on the total number of closed support cases

  2. The entity is Support case

  3. We have given the panel a name (Closed support cases)

  4. The field from Support cases we specifically want to look at is "Status"

  5. The value in this field has to be "Closed"

  6. We want to close 10 support cases (Target Value)

  7. We have to close 10 cases per week (Period)

  8. Press "Okay" to save the KPI panel and continue working with the other elements on the frontpage

The difference between the KPI panels and the performance board is that the performance board is personal and only measures on the logged in user. You can only have one performance board, but you can set up several target values on this performance board.

In the KPI panel you can only set up one target value per panel, but you can set it up for several users/team in one panel.

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